

anecdote [410 resultados]

Document Piece Otros temas del fragmento Sumario
D-001 A02 school
D-001 A03 accident
D-001 A04
D-001 A05 nutrition:
D-001 A06
D-001 A07 smuggling
D-001 A08 smuggling
D-001 A09 dance:
D-004 A01 thieves
D-004 A02 thieves
D-004 A03
D-007 A01 song - school - Basque language/Spanish
D-007 A02 fishing
D-007 A06 school
D-007 A07
D-007 A08
D-013 A01 America - indiano
D-016 A02 civil war
D-016 A06 civil war
D-017 A02 fire
D-022 A02 locality: - locality:
D-025 A01
D-026 A01
D-028 A02 carlist war - mill
D-032 A01 Mattinmotela
D-033 A04
D-035 A10 America
D-035 A02 carlist war
D-035 A05 smuggling - civil war - mill - hunger
D-035 A08 civil war - hunger
D-037 A01 witchcraft
D-037 A02 witchcraft
D-037 A03 witchcraft
D-037 A06 witchcraft
D-037 A08 witchcraft
D-038 A01 beliefs:
D-038 A02 beliefs:
D-038 A03 beliefs:
D-038 A04 beliefs:
D-038 A05 beliefs:
D-039 A02
D-039 A03 lifestyle - improvised verse
D-039 A05
D-043 A01 song
D-043 A02 witchcraft
D-043 A04
D-043 B01 civil war
D-046 A01 witchcraft
D-046 A03 witchcraft
D-057 A26 thieves
D-061 A01 men/women
D-061 A02 men/women
D-061 A03
D-061 A04 witchcraft
D-061 A05 witchcraft
D-061 A06
D-061 A07
D-063 A01 lifestyle
D-063 A03
D-063 A04
D-064 A03
D-064 A06 festivals
D-064 A07 America: ranch
D-064 B02 America - animal husbandry: seasonal migration
D-064 B03
D-066 A10
D-067 A03 lifestyle - butchery
D-067 A04
D-068 A11 hunting
D-068 A12 sobriquet
D-069 A03
D-070 A02
D-071 A03
D-071 A04
D-079 A04 thieves
I-001 A12 school
I-001 A16 animal husbandry:
I-001 A17 murders
I-001 B01 disease
I-001 B12 accident
I-002a A06 nursing home
I-002b B10
I-002b B11 thread - jobs:
I-002b B12 Mexico
I-002b B09 Nutrition: Lunch
I-013 A04 Basque language
I-017 B05
I-018 A01 miscellaneous - accident
I-019c B05
I-021 B03 Basque language:
I-028 A10 charcoal
I-028 A09 festivals
I-029 B06 church:
I-033a A04 festivals
I-033a B03 Basque language
I-033a B08 Basque language
I-034 A03 agriculture:
I-034 B07 smuggling
I-038 A09
I-060b B06 festivals
I-071 A08 plants - tree - nutrition:
I-080 A10 Basque language
I-080 A08 theft
I-090b B07 Basque language:
I-095b B14
IR-005 A01 lifestyle
IR-007 A06
IR-007 B01 dance
IR-009 A01
IR-012 A04 grammar: - agriculture:
IR-012 A05 Basque language:
IR-013 A02 Basque language
IR-013 A04 Basque language
IR-016 A11
IR-016 A13 religion:
IR-016 A06 war
IR-016 A08 cars - jobs:
IR-016 B06
IR-018 A06
IR-018 A07 ransom
IR-018 B03 school
IR-018 B04
IR-018 B05
IR-022a A02
IR-022a A06
IR-022a A07
IR-022b B10 smuggling
IR-022b B11 factory:
IR-022b B02
IR-022b B06
IR-022b B08
IR-023g B03 religion:
IR-023g B04 plants:
IR-023g B05
M-006 A02 Basque language
M-009 A02 jobs:
M-010 A01 war
N-023 A04 smuggling
N-067 A02 reading
N-067 A04 Basque language
N-067 A06 accident
N-068 A03 money
N-068 A04 war - Basque language
N-072 A01 lifestyle
N-072 B01 miscellaneous
N-072 B03 war
N-072 B04 war
N-072 B05 war
PP-001 B06
PP-001 A02 mill
PP-001 A03
PP-001 A07
PP-009 B16 house: names
PP-009 B17 house: names
PP-009 B24 war
PP-009 B25 war:
PP-009 B06 house: names
PP-009 A10 house: names - Cuba
PP-009 A11 house: names
PP-009 A22 house: names
PP-025 A12 improvised verse
PP-025 B12
PP-025 B13
PP-025 B14
PP-025 B06
S-007a A06
S-014a A14 lifestyle
SA-003 A01
SA-003 A13 witchcraft - beliefs:
SA-003 A14 beliefs:
SA-003 A16 medicine:
SA-003 A17
SA-003 A18
SA-003 A19
SA-003 A02
SA-003 A20
SA-003 A23
SA-003 A24
SA-003 A25
SA-003 A26
SA-003 A27
SA-003 A03
SA-003 A04
SA-003 A05
SA-003 A06
SA-003 A07 wedding
SA-003 A08
SA-003 A09
SC-002b A02
SD-004b B02 medicine:
SD-004b B07
SH-003 A11
SH-003 A12
SH-003 A13
SH-003 A14
SH-003 A02
SH-003 A21
SH-003 A03 wood:
SH-003 A04 Plazaola
SH-003 A08
SH-003 A09
SM-002 A01
SM-002 A10 witchcraft
SM-002 A11 witchcraft
SM-002 A13 beliefs:
SM-002 A14 witchcraft
SM-002 A16 witchcraft
SM-002 A02 beliefs:
SM-002 A23
SM-002 A25
SM-002 A26
SM-002 A27
SM-002 A28 beliefs:
SM-002 A03 beliefs:
SM-002 A04 beliefs:
SM-002 A05 beliefs:
SM-002 A06 religion - day:
SM-002 A07 beliefs
SM-002 A08 beliefs:
SM-002 A09 witchcraft - religion
SM-007b B11 smuggling
SM-007b B12 smuggling
SM-007b B08 festivals
SM-011 A10
SM-011 A11
SM-011 A14
SM-011 A18
SM-011 A27
SM-011 A32 smuggling
SM-011 A04
SM-011 A07 pen
SR-009 A02
SR-009 A05 jobs:
SR-009 A06 nostalgia
SR-009 A08 accident
SR-009 B01 jobs:
SR-009 B02
SR-009 B03 theater
SR-009 B04 nutrition
SR-009 B09 church
SU-005 A01
SU-005 A10
SU-005 A11
SU-005 A16
SU-005 A17
SU-005 A22
SU-005 A23
SU-005 A24
SU-005 A25
SU-005 A26
SU-005 A03
SU-005 A05
SU-005 A06
SU-005 A07
SU-005 A09
I-066a A6
I-066a A11
I-033b A3
I-010 A9
I-010 A4
I-010 A6
I-010 A10 religion:
I-008b B1
I-008a A4
I-008a A3
I-007 B13
I-007 B14 school - ring
I-007 A4
I-006 B6
I-006 B4
I-003 B9
I-006 B2
I-003 B7
I-003 B6
I-003 A9
I-003 B1
I-003 B2
I-003 B3
I-003 A3
I-003 A4
I-003 A7
I-003 A5
I-003 A10 stalactites and stalagmites
I-003 A11
I-003 A13
I-039 B02 wood
I-043 A08
I-043 A09 nutrition: - nutrition:
I-015 A08
I-026 B03 miscellaneous - family
N-033 A03 Basque language
N-065 A04 festivals
I-016b B03 Basque language
I-016b A03 village - religion:
SS-016a A01
I-011 B02 dairy cooperative
I-016b A01 war
I-011 A05 bedspread
I-012 A10
I-050 B01
I-050 A02 war
I-073a A07 Basque language:
I-022b A01 Basque language - jobs:
I-016a A02
I-024 A02
I-004 B10 housework - nostalgia
I-004 B03 studies
I-004 B01 Nicaragua
I-005 A06 jobs:
SN-007b A03 witchcraft
SN-007b A02 accident
I-005 B11 jobs:
I-005 B08 jobs:
I-005 A02
I-066b A05 murders - locality:
SN-007a A01 Basque language
SN-007a A03
I-056 B07 accident
I-056 B09 war:
I-025 B01 Argentina
I-025 B02
I-046 A04 quarry The quarry at Mezhiritz. At that time he was mayor and he himself went to work there. The accident that he had: the gunpowder blew up.
I-046 A07 The accidents and illnesses which he has had.
I-047 A01 medicine: He has a bad hip and they operated on him eleven years ago. But a second operation would be more difficult and they don’t dare do it to him.
I-047 A02 war The groups from the village. Stories about one and the other. Stories of the War. He was in the front line in Madrid in a village called Coslada de Barajas. They used to go hunting in a game reserve belonging to a Marques which had been abandoned. He went there when he was 22 or 23 years, when he finished the army.
I-047 A04 lifestyle - hunger They used to buy a kilo of grapes between three of them and they would go to a place that was for the livestock called Kuatropea and eat them there. Manuel used to make necklaces and he would sell them there. During the day he worked in the fields and at night he used to make the necklaces.They knew what it was like to be in need. They also knew what it was like to go hungry after the war. To make the thing bigger they would put some potato in the bread dough.They had a big donkey.
SM-007b A07 witchcraft A child became ill and there was no doctor who could cure it. The mother was told to take the child to Pau, as there was a very good doctor there. When that doctor examined the child he told the mother that he could not cure it, and that only the person who had given him the illness could cure him. But the parents did not know who that person might be. Then the doctor told the parents to go home and to find out which mass received the largest congregation. And when they knew this they must throw a pea–pod of seven peas into the holy water. The person who had given the child the illness would then start to work very hard and would not leave the church until the person did three things three times. That is what they did and a certain women reacted as the doctor had predicted. On leaving the church that woman asked the mother about the child and when she replied that the child was very ill the woman said she would cure him. Little by little the child got better. But after one year it occurred to her that she had to do the same thing and that is what she did. The same doctor told her to go and do it again. But this time to get a hanging rope and hang the other woman. That is what the woman did and when she had her with her neck in the noose, she told her to cure her child or she would hang her there and then. She was frightened and she said she would. But she went and told the priest. And he made the mother of the child go and excuse herself to the woman. The mother got the cholera and she was very bad. It seemed to her she had committed a sin in trying to cure her child. In the end the mother told the priest and the priest said that the other woman was in hell. And the mother replied that she wasn’t dead but very much alive. And that was true, but that same afternoon she died, on the day of St. Sebastian. There were seven priests in the church and the son of that woman asked for one as his mother was dying and nobody went to her.
SM-001b A08 witchcraft The witches also cast an evil eye on the new-born babies. Her mother had told her that three children died in this way. One time, on the road between Irurita and Arraioz three pigs suddenly appeared. At the place where the bridge crosses the river they disappeared. It began when the baby was two months old. She would change and water woud fall on the baby girl despite the fact that the sky was clear. That happened quite often. When she threw holy water on her making the sign of the cross it did not happen. In the end the child would suffer spasms from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Friday to Saturday. On the other days nothing would happen. Once the priest from Mezkiritz examined the child and noticing something strange, he mentioned it to the priest from Irurita. That priest said the child would have to be given the catechism and that was done. The child never got wet after that. When she was pregnant with that same child she would go to mass and, without wanting to do it, she would go against the priest. Once, in confession with the priest, she told him she could not bear to see him there. And he told her that the child that she was carrying would give a lot of work to the devil.
SM-001b A09 mythology: Her grandmother used to tell how in Mezkiritz there were spirits. One time they went to the village to get a midwife. The midwife did the work but did not charge them anything as she was afraid. But one day when all of them had come out to comb themselves, she took a comb and brought it home with her as payment. She was seen by the ghouls and there has always been something in her house since then.
SM-005a A07 One time she went out in the morning San Juan and walked about in the morning dew completely naked. That’s what those with the mange did.
SM-005a A08 religion: About Trinidad Urtasun: How the speaker meet her when in the house of the aunt. That night he didn’t like her. How he asked Trinidad for the first time to marry him. There were six peditions of marraige. The young man from Bozate sent his parents to speak to Perpetua instead of going himself. How he decided in the end to accept Trinidad.
SM-005b A01 What happened to Trinidad when selling bread. When she went to Erratzu and an armed guard told him to take him to Elizondo. They had an accident and the capitan of the guard appeared on the scene.
SM-005b A02 accident Trinidad wouldn’t stand anybody who took God’s name in vain and she once interrupted two young lads who were angry and told them not to say those things. What happened next.
SM-005b A03 There were some verses that Trinidad made up against girls from Irurita. And Perpetua asked her to burn them.
SM-005b A04 During the war both he and Trinidad were taken for being nationalists. When they were selling bread in Erratzu they were stopped and interrogated. They were from Burgos and they realized that all that they had been told about him was false and they let him go. After going to Pamplona he could not find any work, because they did not want men who had children.Meanwhile, because of the political situation he was taken in. They gave him a beating and threatened to take him to San Cristobal. A cartdriver appeared who knew Trinidad and, thanks to him, they let him go.
SM-005b A05 war The business about the pimple: For having pimples they forced him to close the premises for three months.(27.05”) The story about “Arriba España” (Hail Spain) and the donkey.(27.50”) Trinidad told a sick person that Julia, the sister of Perpetua, was a doctor.(30.05”) What Trinidad said when he was in hospital for the eye and the leg.
SM-005b A06 war Basque-Speakers from Mezkiritz and Irurita.Fermin says his name and age.
SM-006a A04 village Fermin has not spoken Basque for forty years. However, Perpetua has always spoken to her husband in Basque.
SM-006a A06 school - Basque language Fermin and Perpetua’s brother at eight years of age would go to the hills with their parents, each one with his saw, and they were there from four in the morning until nightfall cutting wood. What they most cut down was the beech tree.
SM-001b A07 witchcraft The woman from the Apesui house. Apparently it used to be the priest’s house.They have always lived from livestock and agriculture. They reap the potato, wheat, corn and vetch. They sell sheep, milk the cows and sell the milk. They have cows, sheep and mares. They stack the hay in the silo or they leave it to dry. The oxen were substituted by tractors. They have different breeds of cow: Swiss and Dutch.For the sheep they employ a young man. Her husband and son also take care of them.
SM-006b A04 Her brother fell into a cave at the age of ten and died.She had two sons and one of them was killed by the armed guards. They shot four bullets into his back when he was at the smuggling.The other son on going into the bathroom to wash himself fell backwards and died. He left four kids behind him.
SM-009 A03 America - travel To go to America they went by train to France to get the boat there. They were ten days in the boat. The first four days they did not leave their cabin because of the bad weather. In America he went to New York as that was the place to get the papers and permissions for the trains. Some of them were Basque Speakers. He went to Utah. He was there for a couple of years . He came back by train, passing through Chicago and Washington and he did the whole journey alone as there was nobody else on the train.In New York he got off the train and meet a Spanish agent. He took the tramline with that person and went to a Spanish hotel. There he met three Frenchmen. They had to wait for five days for the boat to sail. They were twelve days on the boat until they arrived in Cadiz. From there they went to Barcelona and from there to Pamplona by train.
SM-009 A12 disease He was blind for one month. Then they operated on his eyes. He didn’t want to have the operation but in the end he did it. He has come out of it very well.He has only been to the doctor twice in his life. He tells the two occasions. The first time was when he had an infection and the second time was a bite from a snake. How the doctor got the poison out.
I-041 B05 miscellaneous She has never heard of any weird stories or witches tales in the village. During the period of the war it seems that the “Maquis” (rebels) were to be seen in the mountains but they never passed through the village. Dr. Samaniego used to go to the village. His brothes were born in Pamplona. His mother was ill and she was carried to hospital.Before a lot of children died.
I-091a A02 wedding - travel: How she met her husband. She was from Mezkiritz, but she went to a house in Zilbeti to work as a serving girl. Inocencio also used to work in that house.His two sisters got married and as Felipe, the brother, went to America he was left alone in the house of his parents. They got married in Burlada. A sister of Inocencio lived there and there they had the meal. They went to Pamplona by bus.On the honeymoon they went to San Sebastian.
I-091a A11 Inocencio killed a snake with the scythe.
I-040 A01 war During the war he was all over Spain. He was away for three years. The war began when he was twenty and before they called him up he joined as a volunteer and this way he got paid double.There about a dozen Basque speakers and they got an accordionist in the group and they spent eight days like that. In Benicarló they had an orchestra and they had a dance twice a week. When the war ended, they sent the seventy soldiers from Navarra to the Sanfermines. They went by train and they spent three days there.
I-040 B03 miscellaneous He knows Mezkiritz but he doesn’t know the people.The cows were taken out to the Ipete hill the day before the fiestas.About some of the houses and the people in the village. About one person who is in America. About a couple who married and who have delicate children. Weddings between families.
I-040 B05 dance They used to go to the festivals in Zilbeti. There, some good dancers would gather.Those from Orondritz were very good traditional dancers. One year, they organized a championship of “jota” singing, and they awarded a prize of one thousand pesetas.
I-048 A02 The reason for calling Larrasoaña, “Puerto Rico”: In the Carlist Wars they robbed gold from the French.
I-048 B05 wedding At that time the parents used to prepare the weedinds as they liked. Once his mother went to a marriage in Leazkue. The groom was there and the two sisters arrived too. When he was told who of them would marry him, the groom told that he preferred the other one.
I-048 B07 animals: About a girl who was teacher in tje village. He catched an owl for her.
I-048 B08 animals: Breadcheese or weasel.Tales of snakes: A man who contracted workers took them to the area near Eugi and at one spot he told them not to cut there because that was where the snakes were. But one man who was brave stood there waiting for the snake and killed it but he himself also died from the fright. His father-in-law was a spoonmaker and when he was in the wood near Eugi, he saw a snake move through and he chased it. When he got to a beech tree the snake was wrapped round the tree and the man chopped it into four pieces. Another time he went to an area of wild mushrooms with his eldest son. He saw a snake half-buried in the ground there. He took up a big stone and when he throw it on the snake, the snake stuck its head out the other side. He was lucky that he had his son with him. When he was working there the owners were from Lantz. They would strike the snakes on the head with a blow and then take them up in their hands.Once he was bitten by a snake on the leg and, as he was quite far from the village, he cut a cross with his knife to clean the wound.
I-048 B16 animal husbandry: They had the livestock in the barns on the hills. When they went with the food they had a hard road to follow. Sometimes some sheep would be missing.One time four men went out in search of the sheep and they split up into groups of two. They were out in the snow and with a blizzard blowing.
I-089 A04 smuggling When they were carrying the packets over the mountain they suffered from bad weather.He went more with livestock than with packets.The tale of a man: he did not not get the merchandise correct, he was barred, he went as a guide.A Civil guard began to fight with a man from Ciáurriz, the man took away his rifle and the Civil guard began to cry.When they were passing over horses from the army from Urepel, they lost their way and they were shot at from a house. That same one took part and they began to fire from a pinewood. All that over two ten pesetas. There were many Civil guards but they too could be bought.Other times the Civil guards would take the packets and when they were asleep they would tiptoe up and get them back. They would smuggle nylons, tacks, coffee.There were always spies who would control the guards. An anecdote about a spy dog.
I-089 A07 The man who worked as a courier in Orondritz would not dare to go alone to Erro after nightfall. They gave him a shotgun, but it was only loaded with powder.That man used to go with some others to Pamplona and they would have a codstew for breakfast. One time they told him to take what was leftover with him and he put it in his pocket with the oil and all from it.
I-091b A01 A man from Baigorri gathered bullets from around the area of Arrola. Others around the Trona Mountain.He is sure that there is gold near Valcarlos. The Carlists filled a chest of gold. You hide something under the ground and you think you will remember the spot, but the ground changes.
S-014b A02 religion: The story of the Virgen. On the 2nd of July the Virgen is taken to the church in Alsasua to say mass for her. What they used to do on the day that the Virgen went. Anecdote about that day. It fell.Other stories about the Virgen.
S-014b A06 religion A song on the passion of Christ. All the young people would go to the Santo Cristo to learn these songs. They would sing them on Good Friday in church. There were some books with those songs in them. They were singing those songs on the death of her mother. Her father was so upset by it that he himself died and they were buried on the same day.
I-092 A01 beliefs The end of the anecdote from Basilio.We all believe in things that are not logical, in some form or other.Those who went out very little would talk about lots of strange things and those who went out a lot talked of few things.
I-092 A08 animals: There were also wolves there. The speaker’s grandfather, when he was nine years old, left the dog fighting with a wolf and went home. They used dog collars with spikes so that the wolf could not grab them at the neck.
I-092 A11 disease - moon The influence of the moon on the rain, the wood, the building wood...and so on.When his boy was still without teeth, he had worms and could not even open his mouth.They put oil in the holes of the gums and that opened the mouth.
I-092 A12 medicine: When his boy was still without teeth, he had worms and could not even open his mouth.They put oil in the holes of the gums and that opened the mouth.He has always been aware of the importance of these rural remedies.
II-111a A05 For playing the accordion the priest refused to give them communion.
II-111a A06 carnival: They used to go out asking for the “zorro” (fox). They used to collect the eggs from house to house when they went out to ask for things. They still go out to ask for something and then they have a dinner.Anecdote: the response they gave to the priest when he told them that they should also sing in church.The "maskak" used to go out with the face covered or dressed in an ugly way.
II-130b A04 carnival: - dance: During the Carnivals they would do the "Bolant dantzak" and the "maskak". Some would have their faces covered, others would be dressed as women and others dressed as animals. There were also two "gorris" and two "abanderados". Nowadays the "Bolant Dantzak" is done at Easter. He danced after coming back from the war, both at the "gorri" and at the "bolante".The "zapurrak": go with their hatchets in front of the "bolantes" and the "zaldikos";"(little giants)."Atso eta tupinak" (Old women and Pots): one would go dressed up as a woman and the other with a skin on his shoulder and a hat filled with berries. In the square they had to try to get his hat off. (19.12”) How they organized the show so as to try to get the hat off. First the dancers would dance and then with the rhythm of the drums they signalled the time for that part of the fun to begin.
II-130b A05 customs: "Galar hotsak": If a widower got married a second time the young men created a fuss. Anecdote.(26.30") Anecdote about Martín.They were out in the night under the window of the widower who had remarried and there the hullabaloo and the shooting started. Anecdote.
SC-002c A01 theft - murders A story of the winter of 1952. The shepherd, Intxauspe, was killed and they did not find the killers. The people believed that it had been his master because it was thought that he had something going with the master’s wife.Someone knew that one of his shepherds was carrying money in his pockets and robbed him, but they did nothing to him.The investigators tried to connect it with the first crime, and thus cover up that killer. In the end the crimes were not solved.
SC-002c A02 accident In December 1963 two nephews of his and the wife of one of them lost their lives. On coming back from the wedding of one of the nephews, a lorry went through a stop sign and of the three in the car only the girl was saved when they went under the lorry as she was lying down. In the car behind the newly-married couple were traveling with another couple and they crashed into the lorry so that the recently-married nephew also died. The girl was looked after by Juan Cruz and his wife took responsibility for the girl who had survived the accident.
IR-014b A05 women: Tomasa remained a spinster and they talk about that.When she was young she worked away.Many women from there would go out as shepherdesses. Stories about other women.
IR-014b A02 festivals When the night bells were rung they had to go home, before nightfall.When they were twenty-two years old their fathers would not let them go to fiestas.Another time they finished all their work and they went off running to the fiestas.In the village there was music everyday.Young men would go to the house and dance with them in front of their parents.
IR-014b A01 witch They used to live in the Iturburu house and now they live in Mendia. They went to Mendia when Lorenza got married to Emilio Arrese.Her father was a great joker. They tell tales of witches which their father had told them. The witches would gather at the hill of Pettiriberro, which is over there.A woman asked the priest if the witches really existed and if so, what kind of creatures they were and he told her that they were just like her.Another time her father went to help a girl who asked for help because the witches had left her at the bank of the river, but when they arrived at her house he realized it was a joke.
II-033b A07 smuggling Wool was also smuggled over. They never did any smuggling. There were particular men who did that.They used to handle the bread.
II-033b A08 jobs: - jobs: That zone of the mountain has changed a lot. Now there are pathways and it is easy to get there. Anecdote. How they made the journeys up and down. They would sleep beside the mule. There is no doubt that tomorrow there will be shepherds in Iropil, although they may be different.(46:50") Goodbye.
II-033b A02 jobs: - weather: When it would snow they put the sheep inside, but even so, those sheep needed to got out, even for only a short time, and even if there was snow.Anecdote: the hardest winter of all.
II-034a A01 war Introduction: He was in the war in 1940. They took him prisoner and he got to see many countries.(02.45”) They were taken prisoner very quickly. A hundred men and three hundred horse went off to Switzerland. Then they went across to Poland. There were three thousand men with just one commander. Buying food. The snowfalls.They were also in Russia.(17:45") They were seven days on a boat going to Turkey. There they managed to get cigarettes.When they returned to Marseilles they were freed, the germans had already fled by then.They left the horses in Germany. They then made the journey on foot.The people from those countries.The journey in the boat. They showered and washed themselves as they were full of lice(24:25") The snowfalls and the mountains.
SD-008a A01 war the speaker entered the convent in 1955, at fifty years of age. When he was young he worked in a cow farm until he was fifteen. He used to take twelve liters of milk every day to the Minister Romanones, because in the summer he used to live in the palace of Oiartzun.At fifteen he began to work in the paper mill. Later he did the military service in Africa and then the war began. Before the Spanish war he worked in the paper-mill. The war began when he was working and they sent him home. He joined up with the Basque speakers so that when they entered the town they made their escape. How and where they went. He arrived to Fuenterrabia, and there they put him in jail. A friend knew someone or other and he was released. They went to Irun and there they raised the ikurriña (Basque flag) on the door of the monastery of the monks and stayed there. Some anecdotes.When the troops arrived in Fuenterrabia they saw Irun was burning and making an effort to cross to the other side they went to Hendiya. This time, they went to the house of those who had escaped in the previous war and they were treated as if in their own home. They were there for three months. Anecdote about the time he went to Lourdes.When he returned in the boat he arrived in Bilbao and he stayed in the house of a friend.Then he enlisted and he was at the front in Lekeitio.
X-011a A05 work: Felipe had a bad time up in the hills. There were times that he would cry.A sad anecdote.
II-064a A03 hunting - accident The accident in the Garazi area. A cousin dropped down dead.In his area there was also an accident. A man tripped up and the gun went off and injured him, although he did not die.(35:00") Nowadays you have to go up even higher to find any pidgeons.(38:44") Thanks.(39:30") Song.(43:15")Goodbye.
II-069a A03 military service He got married before the war. Those who had already done the military service had to go to the General Call-up.What they learnt in the military service. At night they had to take care of the gas and by day the use to go from house to house to look after the gas and the electricity.He returned home from the military service. Then another brother went off as a soldier to Algeria. Anecdote.
II-069a A04 war In 1939 he went off to war. He went by train to Calais. He was taken prisoner at the beginning of the war. The Germans took a large number of them to Belgium and that was where he got to know Mitterrand. (28:02") At that time Mitterrand was a sergeant. He was ten years younger than the speaker. He spent some fifteen days with him. (What they talked about is related in French by the speaker). After those fifteen days he took a train. Mitterrand did not want to take the train. He was four and a half years in a farmhouse in Germany. Then he was in another farmhouse.(41:52") Anécdota: The Russians liberated them in 1945.(45:00") Goodbye.
IC-002a A02 military service When it was their turn to do the military service there were eight of them who were friends and four of those were called up at the same time. He was called up but he managed to get out of it. He paid to get free from it.
PP-033 A02 lifestyle Some tales about a man who was very funny. Stories about his youth.The families in those days were much larger.Anecdotes.Repairing the roof of the house.Other anecdotes about his father who used to make coal.(18:30") Stories about the period of the war.
PP-033 A03 miscellaneous About the family.The brothers and sisters.Antonio went off to Errementenea as a serving boy and got married to a girl who grew up with that family. The wife was operated on and after coming back home she slipped and fell in the bathroom and killed herself. Stories of Feliciano, Emilio, Hilario and their wives and their work.The youngest brother went to the Seminary when he was twenty-one.Anecdotes about the Seminary.
PP-033 B01 miscellaneous His mother arrived as a serving girl at seven years of age. The woman of the house where she was got gangerine in her leg and when they told her that the leg would have to come off she said she would rather die. The woman died and his mother had to look after the ten children. She was in that house until she got married at the age of nineteen. The parents of her husband had a serving boy and a serving girl but instead of helping in the house they would do bad things and they left them without anything.More stories about the family.The uncles went off to America in 1930. As the war was coming they wanted to take the nephews and nieces with them. But they did not want the parents to be left all alone so someone stayed behind with them.Stories of the family here and over there.The husbands and wives of the brothers and sisters.
II-100a A01 war: Introduction: The Algerian War, 1954-1962. People from the Basque country also went there. (02:15") He was twenty-one then. He went to war to fight against the bad people without the word war ever being mentioned. Stories of people being killed and women being raped. In 1956 they disembarked. They were then put on a train. The scene they saw the next morning after having slept. In the end they arrived at a slope of the hill and there they were given arms. Anecdotes.(32:20") Anecdotes(46:15")Goodbye.
SC-007a A03 Chatting to Pedro Juan Etxamendi: the tale of the silencing cheese. The story about the grandmother who was lead to believe she was talking to her husband by phone. The story of Beñardo Lacosta and the hunting gear.
SC-011c A01 America - jobs: He had problems with the police. They went to the house in search of him and he had to spend the night in the police station. At eight o’clock in the morning they awoke him and wanted to take him straight to the airport but he managed to get to stay there.He got married so as to have his right of residency. As soon as he was married to a woman from there he got his residency papers.
I-055 A08 theft On Holy Monday at midday in the Gerendiain residence there was a robbery.As the house was under repair, the back door was left open. The person took the corner elevator and went up to the second floor when the women were eating in the first floor and he entered the rooms.It seems to have been a man dressed as a priest. By that time he seems to have go three times, saying that he came from a poor place.Stories of thieves. There had also been thieves in Beruete. The gypsys had a name for robbing chickens.
SD-001b A03 miscellaneous In Albisturrenea they lived without any men. About that family. About the men who passed through that house.About a man who died in the hut and his funeral.
D-072 A01 smuggling They used to do some smuggling in the area of Bidasoa. Anecdotes. In order to cross the Bidasoa it was necessary to take off all the clothes and tie them around the neck.
D-012 A05 miscellaneous - weather: Her sister set up a hairdresser’s in Tolosa and she went there to help her. Her other sister had a bar and later she spent eleven years there.After the war there were floods in Tolosa and the livestock was lost. The houses where they have lived in.
D-012 A01 school One day when it was not raining she told her mother that she was going to go to school with the traditional shoes. Then it began to snow and, so as not to ruin her footwear, she went to school barefoot. The school period.Prayers and presents when she made her communion.She left school when she was twelve. At the age of eleven she went to Urnieta to the house of her uncle and aunt and there she went to school to Hernani. Later she returned to the farmhouse. The work there.The limestone was also made in the mountain.
D-012 A04 beliefs: When she was eight years old The Virgin appeared to her.
SM-001a A04 mulattoes The half-cast women are as a result of relations between men from Vizcaya and half-casts.About the “Soroa” house.A man who was with him in Burgos as a soldier.
SM-001a A02 religion - Cuba A painting of the meeting house and the tree in Gernika in the museum of magic and superstitions.There are about fifty different religions there. He has never believed in any kind of superstition. There were three churches open but not many people would attend. There has been little Catholicism in Cuba.
II-110b A05 jail: prisoner (36:55") His sister was detained when she was nineteen. First he was in Bilbao and later in Zornotza. At that time it was necessary to take part in politics and they have always been nationalists. They charged him with having torn up a Spanish flag. He was eleven years old when he used to visit his sister in prison. They would have half an hour to talk at a distance of a meter and a half between them and then go home again. It was tough. After two years in prison there was a military court hearing and she was sentenced to four years. Later, she had to spend time in a house in Bilbao and she had to ask permission to be able to visit her family at Xmas.(43:05") Music and goodbye.
II-123a A03 nutrition: The place where he has picked the most mushrooms was under the chestnut trees.(20:55") Before the mushrooms were picked in October for the house and now there is no season where there isn’t someone out looking for mushrooms.The mushrooms come out from morning to evening. They have the flower in the upper part, not on the trunk.(28:24") What happened with the bicycle. Anecdotes about the mushrooms.
SK-001a A01 accident Azkue falls into the river and a young man pulls him out. It was a cold day but not windy. The man felt like passing water and on drawing near to the river he fell in. The water which he swallowed then gave rise to an infection later which killed him.
SS-002b A02 jobs: musician - religion: The music and dancing in Urdiain disappeared when the Movement took power.He got married in 1932 and at that time there already was “close dancing”.At the dance the men would be on one side and the women on the other.After the War Germán used to play the chistu in the square, so that even after the War the chistu continued in the square.(12:45”) Pasadoble.(13:22”) The drummers were two boys and two girls of fifteen years of age and they were changed each year.(14:05”) In Santa Agueda two kings or heralds were chosen and then they chose the girls. On the eve of the 6th of January, the cards were thrown to select who would impersonate the Three Wise Men. The drummers would go to the houses where there were boys to ask for things.(15:40”) The accordion-players from the town. How he began to play the accordion. There were also guitar-players in the town. On certain days they would play in the streets. A group from the tobacco shop began to use an organ in Santa Agueda. They also brought the famous accordion-players, Irisas and Jaunsarus.When the War was on all these things began to wane. (26:25”) An anecdote of Santa Agueda. The dinner on the eve of the fiesta: soup, giblets, dessert… The meal on the following day: soup, stew, beef…They also celebrated the little day of Santa Agueda.
II-146a A03 miscellaneous He has written some hundred verses. His friends made him known as he himself only wrote for himself. It is sad that the young don’t know how to speak Basque nor anything of Euskal Herria and even sadder is the fact that the adults have no interest. For that reason it is worth making an effort to do something about it.The first verses that he brought out: He wrote ten verses on an account of the life they had as prisoners in Miranda. He tells how they came to light.
SD-008b A01 war His first encounter was at the front in Lekeitio. After spending Easter week in Gernika, they went up to Elgeta. Anecdotes from the front; the story of the cross he bought in Lourdes in 1934.(09:40") They left Elgeta and they saw the bombing of Gernika from the Fuero It began after lunch and in two hours they whole place was destroyed.From there they went to the Cantabric; events. They joined up with the Italians. (21:10”) He was a prisoner in Burgos. They even took away his cross. They made declarations. For him it was not a difficult situation. Being there, they did not kill people and they had masses. After being there for five months, he was taken to a quarry in Altsasu/Alsasua and put to work. They slept in the storeroom of the station. Two brothers came to visit him and they told him that his mother had died.Later he was taken to Aragón and Teruel to work on the railway line. He was wounded there.
II-132b A03 improvised verse CAS: When Larramendi was called a rogue he responded. Some anecdotes.(34:47") Verses from Larramendi, sung by Anjel Aintziburu.(40:23") Goodbye.
II-135b A02 Aberri eguna The first Aberri-eguna: After mass a tree was planted.(17:35”) Anecdote :They used sticks to defend themselves.(20:05”) It was not difficult to go to the Aberri-eguna, People from all over Euskal Herria went to it. How he found out what was going to be in Itsasu. How they told him. Anecdotes.
IR-014a A03 jobs:
IR-004 A03
IR-020 A07
N-001 A06 In winter, due to the snow, it was difficult to feed the livestock which were in the barns. She has always liked animals, but the big ones a bit less. When she used to go to the rosary, a lamb, a goat and the dog would follow behind her. Once they kept a piglet in the house and she used to feed it. The day that they were going to kill it the pig did not want to come out of the house and they called her to get her to make the pig come out. The speaker went into the house and with her voice she coaxed the animal out of the house. When it came out the waiting men grabbed it and killed it. She has never forgotten the pain of that episode.
N-030 A06 (The recording is cut in parts, many sentences remaining unfinished as a result) Arguments between husband and wife. "Egunez haserre, arratsetako bake" (Anger by day, peace at night). A man from Baztan had a daughter in San Sebastian. He once went to visit her. He asked where his daughter lived and they told him in the lower part of San Sebastian. Every time that he asked, he was told “further down”. Finally he arrived on the beach and wondered “Crikey, is there a village lower than San Sebastian?”