



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1979
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Pierre Lafitte.
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: R. M. Azkue.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
accident, anecdote Azkue falls into the river and a young man pulls him out. It was a cold day but not windy. The man felt like passing water and on drawing near to the river he fell in. The water which he swallowed then gave rise to an infection later which killed him.
A02 00:04:00
Azkue, miscellaneous How Laffite got to know Azkue. The jobs that he did for him. Opinion about Azkue. The mistakes caused by his lack of fluency in French as he was not a linguist. But he owes him a lot. Sometimes he wanted to do the work too quickly. How he was as a person: He was simple and, although he had money difficulties, he was not an egoist at all.When he met him he was already old before his time. When grammar themes arose he would brighten up and he had a good memory. He was engrossed in his own world.
A03 00:21:15
Euskaltzaindia : In Euskaltzaindia they used to speak in Spanish. There was no comparison with the way it is nowadays; today it is much better. Half the people would not come to the meetings. They were a long time without a president and there were many arguments. Today’s disputes are a continuation of those old ones. But now work is getting done. However, it is not so clear if the work is being made the most of. People don’t know what they are doing and it does not interest them. The frontier between Hegoalde and Iparralde seems bigger than ever. And that even when in Hegoalde, the ikastolas, the teachers and the Basque speakers all have an interest in the work of the Euskaltzaindia.
Pista Hear file Length
SK-001a-A 29:45