

grammar: [165 resultados]

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I-013 A05 grammar: - appearance
I-013 B01
I-017 A07
I-017 B01
I-017 B03 Basque language:
I-018 B02
I-019a A01
I-019c B01
I-019c B03
I-020 A05 grammar: - grammar:
I-021 A03
I-021 A05
I-021 B02 agriculture:
I-021 B06 grammar: - grammar:
I-021 B08
I-022a A01 grammar:
I-022a A03
I-028 A01
I-028 A04
I-028 B01 nutrition: - animal husbandry:
I-029 A01
I-029 A03
I-029 A05
I-029 B04
I-029 B07
I-029 B09 plants - animals:
I-030 A06 plants - animals:
I-030 A08
I-030 A09
I-030 B01
I-031 A02
I-031 B02 animals:
I-031 B03 animals
I-031 B04 animals:
I-031 B05 animals:
I-031 B06 animals:
I-032 A11 animals:
I-032 A03 tree - fruit - jobs:
I-032 A04 agriculture:
I-032 A05 plants
I-032 A06 nutrition:
I-032 A07 grammar:
I-032 A09 body:
I-033a A02
I-033a A05 grammar: - grammar: - grammar:
I-033a A09
I-034 A04 miscellaneous
I-034 A05 grammar:
I-034 B10
I-034 B06
I-037 A01
I-037 B01
I-037 B12
I-037 B03
I-037 B06
I-037 B08 miscellaneous - animals - agriculture:
I-038 A11 miscellaneous
I-044a A01
I-057b B04
I-057b B08 grammar:
I-059b A03 grammar:
I-059d B01 grammar:
I-060b B04
I-071 A06 animals - work:
I-071 B04 tree
I-076a A02
I-076a A04 months - day:
I-079a A02 grammar:
I-079b B02 months - day:
I-080 A01
I-080 A07 tree
I-080 A09
I-081 A03
I-090b B02 joke
I-090b B04
I-095a A04
I-095b B01 months
I-095b B11 day:
I-095b B17 months - seasons
I-095b B02 seasons
IR-012 A04 anecdote - agriculture:
I-044b B2
I-044b B1
I-007 A10
I-003 B5
I-039 A06 grammar:
I-025 A06
I-015 A04
I-014 B05 grammar:
I-014 B02 grammar: - grammar:
I-026 A09 Basque language
I-026 B02
I-016b B07
I-016b B05 grammar: - grammar:
I-011 B06 grammar:
I-012 A05
I-012 A03
I-050 A01 agriculture
I-024 A07 sew
I-023b B08 months
I-023b B04
I-023b A03
I-023b A02 weather:
I-023b B01
I-005 B09
SN-007a A02
I-036 B07
I-036 B09 grammar:
I-056 A01 grammar:
I-056 A05 grammar:
I-056 B01 grammar:
I-025 A01
I-025 A02 grammar: - grammar:
I-025 A04
I-025 A06
I-025 B03
I-047 A08 : "Arrandiko arrandats is for me”, they used to say that when they went to collect hazelnuts, and in that way nobody else could go to pick the nuts. "Mingarratz" is what they used to call the berries (a fruit of the wild rose tree).They used also eat what they called the “xiaurre (dwarf elder).
I-090a A01 Crest, cock, beak, wing, to lay eggs, eggshell, chickenpen, duck, to bark, to smell out, rabies, in heat, miaow, bee
I-041 A05 grammar: Mezkiritz, Ardaitz, Itoiz, sky, world, head, eye, it is ugly, door, I was very tall, wind, arm, relatives, snake, neck, go out of the house, I don’t feel like it, I have hidden the sweets, the book fell down and I picked it up from the floor, to hide, to bury, they have put aside one child for the house, they remained at the doorway without entering, they left all the money to the children, to take, to find, clouds, to see, to know, to give, men, women, to undress, brother, cows, shepherd, lean bacon, sieve, rainbow, night, to light, peace, I am happy, Mr. To hit, gypsy, to go.
I-041 A07 grammar: - grammar: - grammar: Four, basket, Friday, another, intestine, Thursday, boy, girl, dirty, pea, a month, a thousand pesetas, a witch, hair, niece, the man did this, the men did this, the priest has said mass, the priests have said mass, the boy has done the jobs, the boys have done the jobs, I have come with my boy, I have come with my children, I am going home, Where are you going? I gave the boy the apple, I gave the children the apple, I have given that to the girl, I have given that to the girls, this house is small, that man is tall, that girl is pretty, that one told the truth, that boy is bad, in these houses it is cold, this man works a lot, I was born in this village, that field is ours, meadow, piece, grass-land.
I-091a A05 grammar: Ox, cow, calf, cock, boy, a boy, I have one boy, I have one girl, there is no priest in this village, that girl is pretty, that man is very big, that man does a lot of work, close the door, mouse, eye, ear, nose, lips, fingers, hands, at night, in the afternoon, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in the morning, at midday.
I-091a A10 grammar: The children play a lot. The girls clean the house, the son of the woman is good, the calf of the cow is born, field, meadow, land, plot.
I-091a A12 Snail, blackthrush, thrush, pidgeon, beard.
I-048 A01 place names Names of different places. Place-names, fields, woods...Cultivated land, land for hay, plots, meadow.Names of potholes and pathways.
I-048 A12 haystack - agriculture: In Lintzoain, except for the schoolmaster and the town hall administrator, everyone worked on the land.Even the spoonmakers would give part of the year over to working the land.The men would move from one place to another when they worked with the spade.Those who had a lot of land would prepare the fields that had bramble and they would hire out the land for three years.They would spray nitrates on the wheat.Some words: sickle, scythe, sheaf, bullet.Haycocks and fern.
I-048 B17 plants Gase and juniper.
I-089 A01 animals: Horse fly, horsefly, mosquito, bee, wasp, fleaCricket, "lorta" (owl), worm, glow-worm, butterfly, ant, cockroach, spider, web, moth,
I-089 A03 weather Shade.North wind, south, the wind from the sun (east) and from the west.To clear up (weather), fog, cloud, lightening, a flash.Some damage that the weather has caused.
I-089 A06 topography Slope, peak, the woodworm holes in the trees, cave, a protected place, a shady place, flat land, ravine, rock, a pass, a bridge, mountain (without trees), a wood, an uneven interior cave, a boulder, to stumble, river, to drown, to overflow, a dam, clear water, dirty water, boggy land.
I-089 A08 Clay: Mixed in water it was used to make the floors. There is usually some to be found in the oakwoods. Mud: The stuff that is made on the paths from the water.Land which is not worked in the mountains and land which is no longer tilled.
I-089 A11 place names - pump Pathway, shortcut, junction.Field “The traveller”.The fountain of Erro: there they found bombs and they carried them to the blacksmith. He broke them and they threw the pieces to the fire. When they were yellow, they boiled the milk with them. In this way the milk had a better taste.
I-090a A04 animal husbandry: Horns, in front, behind, the cartwheel, so that it would pass over the head, quiet, on the left, a stick with a point, threshing-machine, shovel.Names of cows: Gorri (red), Zuria (white)...With the sheep he used all the languages.
I-090a A06 animal husbandry: Dealer, colt, filly, to shoe, blacksmith, carpenter, witch, at a gallop, at a trot.
IC-015b A19 tree Cherry-tree, oak, beech and pine are the most common trees.Shrubwood, juniper boxwood.
I-091b A05 house: names Rainbow, ash, dust.An explanation on the words and on the names of the houses.
I-092 A07 animals: The trees are in bloom.Green, lizard, wall lizard, livestock (cattle)There is a saying: If you attack a wall lizard and you don’t kill it, it would take its revenge on the livestock..Anecdote.Concerning the snakes, she doesn’t know if there are any good ones. Anecdote.
I-092 A16 animal husbandry: - rut Cultiveated ground, meadow, fields.About the Romance of Roncesvalles.Gray, colorful, tinted with several colors. A sheep that has black specks is "nabarra". Nightfall is "ilunabarra".Ram, kept as a ram, female, to be in heat, mare, cow, sheep, goat, pig, bitch.
I-055 B02 grammar: To find, drum.The music at that time consisted of the chistu (flute) and drum and as well the accordion.Milk, aunt, basket.
SD-009a A03 animals Kid goat, goat, mountain goat, wolf, fox, bear, badger, squirrel.
SD-009a A05 tree - animals Hare, Hedgehog, Mole, Mouse, bat, otter, jaybird, migratory bird, "opila" (beak?), Capercaillee, owl, kite, "musoka", falcon, kestrel, eagle, pheasant, swallow, sparrow, magpie, blackbird, heron, mallard, swan, woodcock, lizard, reptile, tortoise, frog, slug, bee, ant, butterfly, "liztazina"("txirriska"), eel, trout, salmon, tree, root, bark, branch, leaf, rotten tree, “miura”, forest, oak, holm-oak, beech, poplar, ash tree, cedar tree.
IR-014a A01 months - day:
IR-014a A02 nutrition:
IR-014a A04 lifestyle
IC-002b A04
IC-012 A04 travel
IC-012 A08 miscellaneous
IC-006a A07
IC-005a A08 The horse-man, th mareman, sheepman, goatman, there is no trace of them now, sheepmen and little more. There are no livestock now. In the old days there used to be a small range of livestock in every house. In summer they all joined up and made one large flock and and there was a sheepman assigned to that flock. In winter each house took back their own animals to look after them. But nowadays there are no young people in the houses to do that work.
IC-001 A03 More than once she has been interviewed by researchers who would ask questions about the lexical items. A list of words in the Salazar dialect.
IC-001 A06 Questions about the lexicon. The traditional dress.
IC-001 A10 It is only hot for about two months of the year. Then it becomes cool. The months of the year. It rains a lot. Lately it does not snow much, and when it does, by the following day it has disappeared again.This year they have had no winter.
IC-006b A03 He never did much hunting. Lexicon. Hat. Parts of the Body: hair, brow, nose, eye, ear, mouth, teeth, fingers, hand, arm, back, chest, belly, legs, bottom, testicles, nape. Kennel. Chimney, pliers, arch. The numbers. Wineskin. Wine.
IC-009b A01 "Behinaz behin, behinik behin" (at least); "anitz aldiz, ardura" (often); "justo-justo, iusto-iusto" (only just ); cura; Mister; "demonio, deabru" (demon).
IC-009b A03 The word "kollube" (storeroom under the stairs). "I’m bleeding ". " every second time ". Well, Raft. "He already knows Spanish, if he knows he will speak it".To lose one’s hair. They don’t use the word "kabale" (livestock) but rather "abereak". The cows are vaccinated livestock. The words mule, donkey, livestock, to ride, beast of burden. The expressions"anitz aldiz" (very often) y "batzuk" (some, various).
IC-014a A01 Work has changed thanks to machinery. They used to have cattle for meat but now they have cows for milk. They make cheese from the sheep milk. They use the word "gazna" (cheese) but most of the time they say "gazta".
IC-014a A03 He does not know the word"arotza" (blacksmith), he uses the Spanish form "herrero". The French –Basque is different and he does not understand it very well.
IC-014a A05 He does not know the names of all the months in Basque. The seasons of the year. The days of the week.
SM-012b A07 The word "amutxa" (grandmother). A prayer that the grandmother used to say when she put out the fire at the fireplace at home.
I-044c A01 (The recording suffers short cuts and some words are lost) He makes “makilas”, walking sticks and other things. He uses many different types of wood, but mainly uses chestnut. He does not cut trees down. He just cuts branches. Wood is cut depending on the moon. Beech, hazel and alder are cut with a new moon, but chestnut is cut when the moon is waning. He leaves the wood to dry for a couple of years because he needs very dry wood for his work. He never charges the full worth of the work because otherwise he would not sell anything. He takes two or three days to make a walking stick. The “makila” is always held in your hand. A walking stick, however, can be hung from the arm or the neck. He goes to a lot of fairs to show and sell his work.
I-044c A05 (He) was born in Goizueta, but lives in Leitza. Survey about lexicon and stress. Head, face, hair, forehead, ear, eye, nose, mouth, tongue, waist, heart, blood, kidney, knee, arm, elbow, hand, finger, nail, blind, deaf, shirt, needle, thread, bird, nest, rat, moon, sun, wind, rain, hail, thunder, lightning, snow, river, earth, path, place, fountain, plant, fig, cherry, pear, apple, plum, walnut, bean, onion, garlic, leek, pepper, cabbage, strawberry, grape, cow, ox, donkey, sheep, cheese, pig, bacon, hen, cock, chicken, egg, dog, cat, village, house, wall, roof, kitchen, table, bed, sheet, fire, smoke, glass, bread, wine, water, meat, food, midday, dinner, widower, son, daughter, man, cousin (male), cousin (female), grandfather, grandmother, white, black, yellow, young, old, good, truth, the other one, in front.
I-069a A07 What is “zendebera” (curd cheese) and how is it said in Basque. They say “requesón” (as in Castilian), but they know that it is called “zendebera” in Baztan. The words “gazura” (whey), “gaztanbera” and “mamia” (junket).
I-027 A01 Questionnaire about lexicon. To call pigs: kix-kix. Slaughtering the pig. The person that kills the pig. Knife to kill the pig. “Birika”. Kidneys. Lard. Membrane covering the liver: guts. “Kostilla”. Cecum. Big, ugly, blood sausage. Trotters. Backbone. Fat and lean bacon. Honeysuckle: plant that grows in the middle of the potato crop. Swing. Spine. Insubstantial. Ear. Bile. Guts. Dirty water, fast-flowing water. Small shepherd. Pool in the woods with mud. Pear. Crag. Turf. Rake. Smoke. Hundred. To measure. Importance, care. To remember. Crest. Broody hen. To incubate. Egg shell. Egg yoke and egg white. Run, stable. To call the hens: puuurra-puuuuurra. To scare the hens away: uuux. Sheepdog. To encourage the dogs: ax-ax, axale.
N-030 A01 Presentation. He has always lived in the “borda” (barn, caserío/farmhouse). They have always used the word “borda” to refer to houses in the mountains (caseríos). The word “baserri” (caserío/farmhouse) is from Gipuzkoa.
N-030 A07 The months of the year: the speaker cannot remember the names for June and July.
N-030 A09 A woman joins the conversation. The names of the months in Basque.