

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant:
  • Researcher: Orreaga Ibarra
  • Main theme: A. Free conversation: he talks about Ultzama, differences between the local varieties, treatments (colloquial form, polite form); events. Questionnaire: verb, declination, vocabulary. B. Free conversation: proverbs, vocabulary.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
accident She fell coming out of the church and she hurt herself in the head and in the ribs.
A02 00:01:10
Basque language Although he has lived for many years in Pamplona, he has always kept up Basque.In Eltzaburu and in Auza a lot of Basque is spoken. His father was from Iraizotz and his mother from Donamaria, but he speaks the Basque from The Ultzama.The differences in the Basque spoken in the surrounding villages.
A03 00:05:10
grammar: In Basque there are three different forms of speech and it is different if you speak to a woman than to a man. Now the hiketa is little used, most people speak in zuketa.The parents, the schoolmaster and the priest were spoken to in the berori form.
A04 00:09:12
grammar:, grammar: I gave the child a sweet, we have given the child a sweet, I have had many donkeys, my brother has sold five cows, I have brought three books, let him do that, I am going to buy bread, they have gone to sow some wheat, I remember you a lot, I was reminded of your birds, he has not bought any bread, the person will not come home, I only eat three varieties of mushroom, the only thing the person has done is go out, has you friend come? Has you brother done the job? I already know how to sew, I have a son in America, my children have photos, your friends are here, there is nothing of what you are looking for, my son helped the neighbor, I accompanied him home, have you had dinner? My dog tracks the flock, I can’t follow what the teacher is saying, the neighbors called me, Pedro didn’t see me, we have spoken a lot, the war is still going on, the water has boiled, you will have to go, tomorrow you will have to go to San Sebastian, you will not be able to go, I told my father a lie, I gave this apple to my uncle, he is always going round the villages, we will see each other later, we saw each other yesterday, you learning from working, do you think he/she will come? Many men have seen the same thing, I bought a car like that one, I bought more than five liters of wine.
A05 00:24:15
Basque language, miscellaneous They didn’t usually go to Igoa. The used to go to Ilarregi, Auza, Larraintzar, Alkotz...I am a fan of that (I like that very much).batua Basque and the different Basque forms. The Basque from Egozkue and Leazkue is similar to that of Lantz.
A06 00:30:40
carnival: Before the people did not go to the Carnivalin Lantz. They celebrated them in the village. The men would go from house to house asking for things and then they would have a dinner in the bar in the village. The women, however, with the "ilunezkilak" (the night bells) had to go in home.During Fiestas too, when the “holy hour” arrived, for the evening rosary, they had to be at home,(33:30”) Farmhouses.
A07 00:34:35
grammar: I have given that to the boy, give that to my boy, give that to the boys, I have no children, whose boy owns this shirt, your boy’s hair is dark, your son’s friends have come, with which son do you go to the mountain? With how many sons do you usually work? I am happy with my son, I am happy with my sons, for the son, what son are you talking about?What house did they steal from?
A08 00:39:20
anecdote, theft On Holy Monday at midday in the Gerendiain residence there was a robbery.As the house was under repair, the back door was left open. The person took the corner elevator and went up to the second floor when the women were eating in the first floor and he entered the rooms.It seems to have been a man dressed as a priest. By that time he seems to have go three times, saying that he came from a poor place.Stories of thieves. There had also been thieves in Beruete. The gypsys had a name for robbing chickens.
B01 00:00:00
sayings : "Kandelero bero, negua heldu da gero. Kandelero hotz, negua joan da motz". (hot mullein,then the winter comes.Cold mullein, the winter has been short)."Arrats gorri, bihar eguraldi" (Red sunset, tomorrow good weather)."Axerien bodak" edo "Jainkoenpasa" (rainbow).
B02 00:03:55
grammar:, grammar: To find, drum.The music at that time consisted of the chistu (flute) and drum and as well the accordion.Milk, aunt, basket.
Pista Hear file Length
I-055-A 48:21
I-055-B 06:59