

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1995-12
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Gabriel Soto Irulegi (1928)
  • Researcher: Orreaga Ibarra
  • Main theme: A. Free conversation: Second level toponymy (sheepfolds, forests...), vocabulary, proverbs of Larrasoaña, folk healer mother; sorrounding Basque people; events; life in the valley. B. Free conversation: fern-covered place´s, pine groves, impossible to speak Spanish; wicker baskets; marriage agreements; witches; snake of Zilbeti; deceased person´s candle...
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
grammar:, place names Names of different places. Place-names, fields, woods...Cultivated land, land for hay, plots, meadow.Names of potholes and pathways.
A02 00:07:00
anecdote The reason for calling Larrasoaña, “Puerto Rico”: In the Carlist Wars they robbed gold from the French.
A03 00:08:45
place names How Urataka is and was.The “Bentazar” house has now disappeared.The House of the Valley.Laurentxi y Sanduzelai.Zikilon, Mekola, Larrarte, Arrio, Ziloka, Aiztondo, Alorxabal, Aldapeta, Ezpelkerrenka.
A04 00:15:55
jobs: His mother was a bone-setter. He broke his ankle and she cured him. He broke his ankle on falling from the mule.People from all around the area would come. She would put the bone in its place, then mix the egg yoke with soot and spread it on the spot. She could do nothing about the pain, but she could put the bone back in its place.Gabriel’s mother learnt with her father, he did it both with people and with animals.The mother’s name was Joaquina, but they called her Ciriaca, because of a whim of the godmother. The surname was Irulegi.
A05 00:21:50
jobs: In the village there were spoon-makers. They sent the spoons to Valencia. The makers of the yokes came from Guipúzcoa, as there were none in the village.The wife’s father was a spoonmaker and he could do ten dozen per day.Other spoon-makers.
A06 00:26:28
animals: Most of the houses had bees.
A07 00:27:35
miscellaneous The speaker is forgetting his Basque language.
A08 00:28:30
dance, miscellaneous He used to dance a lot. He even won some competitions.Seven years ago he was in hospital. They put him under treatment and, as he put on some weight, he can no longer dance.
A09 00:30:25
animal husbandry:, miscellaneous He had livestock.
A10 00:31:30
agriculture: When there was no mill in Lintoain they used to go to Ureta.They harvested wheat, vetch, oats. During the war they used a threshing machine. Before they used to do it in the threshing floor. If it was windy they winnowed the wheat.The thresher was wide and they tied it to the cows or oxen and they pulled it.On the thresher they put a shovel to collect the cowdung and keep it as manure.
A11 00:36:55
mill, nutrition: The bread was made in the oven. When the combustible material, branches and wood, were heated up, that wood was separated and cleaned with water. The bread was inserted with a palate. It could last for a week without going stale. The wheat was prepared at the mill in Ureta. In Orondritz there was another mill, but the people from Lintzoain went to Ureta. The one in Orondritz belong to a certain number of people but Ureta belonged to them.
A12 00:39:45
agriculture:, grammar:, haystack In Lintzoain, except for the schoolmaster and the town hall administrator, everyone worked on the land.Even the spoonmakers would give part of the year over to working the land.The men would move from one place to another when they worked with the spade.Those who had a lot of land would prepare the fields that had bramble and they would hire out the land for three years.They would spray nitrates on the wheat.Some words: sickle, scythe, sheaf, bullet.Haycocks and fern.
B01 00:00:00
haystack The haycocks were built near the houses. The fern was common to all, each had his portion. They also gathered up the fallen leaves.In Erro there were no haycocks. The land that they stopped tilling is now given over to woods of beech and pine trees.
B02 00:02:05
miscellaneous, nutrition: Perpetua said that they also used to harvest coffee.
B03 00:02:55
Basque language Nowadays they don’t meet up and so they don’t speak Basque so that it is being forgotten.
B04 00:04:00
miscellaneous, rope "Bilur" (tied up, rope): rope made from wicker.
B05 00:06:40
anecdote, wedding At that time the parents used to prepare the weedinds as they liked. Once his mother went to a marriage in Leazkue. The groom was there and the two sisters arrived too. When he was told who of them would marry him, the groom told that he preferred the other one.
B06 00:09:35
witchcraft There was a postman in Orondritz. He didn´t want to go from Erro to Orondritz without a shotgun because he was afraid of the witches. And perhaps they made it on purpose, but people believed it.In Arrieta there were alot of tales about witches.
B07 00:13:15
anecdote, animals: About a girl who was teacher in tje village. He catched an owl for her.
B08 00:14:57
anecdote, animals: Breadcheese or weasel.Tales of snakes: A man who contracted workers took them to the area near Eugi and at one spot he told them not to cut there because that was where the snakes were. But one man who was brave stood there waiting for the snake and killed it but he himself also died from the fright. His father-in-law was a spoonmaker and when he was in the wood near Eugi, he saw a snake move through and he chased it. When he got to a beech tree the snake was wrapped round the tree and the man chopped it into four pieces. Another time he went to an area of wild mushrooms with his eldest son. He saw a snake half-buried in the ground there. He took up a big stone and when he throw it on the snake, the snake stuck its head out the other side. He was lucky that he had his son with him. When he was working there the owners were from Lantz. They would strike the snakes on the head with a blow and then take them up in their hands.Once he was bitten by a snake on the leg and, as he was quite far from the village, he cut a cross with his knife to clean the wound.
B09 00:20:55
house: names, jobs:, miscellaneous Doctor Samaniego was famous for causing a lot of hurt. A couple of cases.He lived in Bizkarreta-Gerendiain. The houses of Bizkarreta-Gerendiain. About some people from the village and the repairs to the houses.
B10 00:26:55
shopping There was one woman from Lintzoain who sold chocolate. The rest of the things were bought from Erro.
B11 00:28:52
animals:, lime Some four families would get together to make limestone. At that time there was a nice oak tree area and there were a lot of burrows and there they would catch the "bizerrak"(?). But later it was exploited and now there is nothing left there. They made the limestone to use on the manure heaps.
B12 00:32:25
animals:, animals: There are no toads to be seen nowadays. They would come out of the bar and when they saw a toad they would put a cigarette in its mouth and it would inhale in such a way that it would swell up.There are no frogs now either. All the rivers have been contaminated and we are killing off everything.
B13 00:35:40
jobs:, religion: When anyone died it was necessary to look for four gravediggers. They were young men who were strong and healthy and they would make the hole. Their families would get a present of a tree for firewood and that wood would also be cut by the gravediggers.The coffin was made by the carpenter. Nowadays they take one from Aezkoa or Pamplona.
B14 00:39:55
jobs:, miscellaneous, respect Nowadays there is less respect and good manners between people.In the old days the town hall administrator was treated with a lot of respect.
B15 00:42:07
religion: When they were kids they used to collect gorse. At nightfall they would light up a fire and jump over it.They carried water home from the fountain.
B16 00:43:30
anecdote, animal husbandry: They had the livestock in the barns on the hills. When they went with the food they had a hard road to follow. Sometimes some sheep would be missing.One time four men went out in search of the sheep and they split up into groups of two. They were out in the snow and with a blizzard blowing.
B17 00:45:50
grammar:, plants Gase and juniper.
Pista Hear file Length
I-048-A 47:51
I-048-B 47:43