



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1979-07-03
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Perpetua Saragüeta. Trinidad Urtasun.
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: News of Trinidad Urtasun. Events of Arizkun. Car accident. Punished. The trips.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
anecdote What happened to Trinidad when selling bread. When she went to Erratzu and an armed guard told him to take him to Elizondo. They had an accident and the capitan of the guard appeared on the scene.
A02 00:08:26
accident, anecdote Trinidad wouldn’t stand anybody who took God’s name in vain and she once interrupted two young lads who were angry and told them not to say those things. What happened next.
A03 00:13:55
anecdote There were some verses that Trinidad made up against girls from Irurita. And Perpetua asked her to burn them.
A04 00:15:50
anecdote During the war both he and Trinidad were taken for being nationalists. When they were selling bread in Erratzu they were stopped and interrogated. They were from Burgos and they realized that all that they had been told about him was false and they let him go. After going to Pamplona he could not find any work, because they did not want men who had children.Meanwhile, because of the political situation he was taken in. They gave him a beating and threatened to take him to San Cristobal. A cartdriver appeared who knew Trinidad and, thanks to him, they let him go.
A05 00:18:05
anecdote, war The business about the pimple: For having pimples they forced him to close the premises for three months.(27.05”) The story about “Arriba España” (Hail Spain) and the donkey.(27.50”) Trinidad told a sick person that Julia, the sister of Perpetua, was a doctor.(30.05”) What Trinidad said when he was in hospital for the eye and the leg.
A06 00:25:30
anecdote, war Basque-Speakers from Mezkiritz and Irurita.Fermin says his name and age.
Pista Hear file Length
SM-005b-B 31:07