

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1999-03-29
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Gratien Olhagarrai
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: The first Aberrieguna in 1963.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
school Introduction: the first Aberri-eguna was in Itsasu in 1963. In 1962 there was an non-oficial Aberri-eguna around the figure of Mixel Labegorri.(04:49") Gratien was born in the Ukazberoa house on the12 of September in 1914.He was the third son. He went to school to Itsasu until he was twelve when he left to go to work. The relations who died in the war.The schools were not Basque-speaking. The school was divided into a boys’ part and a girls’ part. They handed out a certificate. He left school before he was twelve and he made his communion before starting full-time work. Then later he was called up for military service.
A02 00:10:40
Aberri eguna, anecdote The first Aberri-eguna: After mass a tree was planted.(17:35”) Anecdote :They used sticks to defend themselves.(20:05”) It was not difficult to go to the Aberri-eguna, People from all over Euskal Herria went to it. How he found out what was going to be in Itsasu. How they told him. Anecdotes.
A03 00:30:05
Aberri eguna, hygiene, jewelry, name: Orreaga There was a large meeting held and many important people took part. That was when the Enbata movement was created. "Itsasuko Agiria" (the Itsasu document) was set out. The declaration of the desire to declare Euskal Herria as to nation within Europe.To carry out this revindication the first thing was to create a Department for Euskal Herria, and for the status of the Basque language.Some people who were there and who formed part of the Board.Then came an important moment: the planting of a tree. There was a speech made and then they planted the tree, finishing the job on their hands and knees.After the meal there was one speech among others made by a Catalan person who highlighted the importance of the step which had been taken. A record of four song from Mixel Labegorri, among them"Gu gira Euskadiko", was released in public.(41:05") Summary and Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-135b-B 45:01