

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Roman Mihura Ezkurra
  • Researcher: Arantxa Echávarri
  • Main theme: Free conversation: borda / farm house, farm works, cheese elaboration, cottage cheese, bakers of Baztan, family...
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Bad
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
grammar: Presentation. He has always lived in the “borda” (barn, caserío/farmhouse). They have always used the word “borda” to refer to houses in the mountains (caseríos). The word “baserri” (caserío/farmhouse) is from Gipuzkoa.
A02 00:01:23
nutrition: They made curd cheese with the whey: what curd cheese is and how it is made.
A03 00:03:21
nutrition: They used to make “sutopiles” (bread baked in embers) at home, but they could not be kept long and went mouldy. For that reason, they used to go down to Elizondo every eight days to buy bread. The baker’s was in the house called “Txokoto” in Elizondo. The bakers in Elizondo.
A04 00:09:36
miscellaneous He was born in “Etxebertzeko borda”. The death of his elder brother. There were a lot of fleas in the “borda” and so the brother slept outside. It would seem that he caught cold there and died of pneumonia. Despite being ill. He did not complain because it would appear that it embarrassed him. The speaker recently celebrated his gold wedding anniversary.
A05 00:16:19
carnival: In “Etxebertzeko borda”, an uncle used to play the accordion on Sunday afternoons. They also composed verses. They celebrated carnivals from Sunday to nightfall on Ash Wednesday.
A06 00:19:41
anecdote (The recording is cut in parts, many sentences remaining unfinished as a result) Arguments between husband and wife. "Egunez haserre, arratsetako bake" (Anger by day, peace at night). A man from Baztan had a daughter in San Sebastian. He once went to visit her. He asked where his daughter lived and they told him in the lower part of San Sebastian. Every time that he asked, he was told “further down”. Finally he arrived on the beach and wondered “Crikey, is there a village lower than San Sebastian?”
A07 00:26:15
grammar: The months of the year: the speaker cannot remember the names for June and July.
A08 00:27:30
religion: First communion. Before they used to do two communions: one at the age of 7, called the “small communion”; and the other at the age of 12, called the “big communion”. According to the speaker, “big communion” is not the same as confirmation. When he went to live in Ezpeleta, the priest did not let him take communion until he had learnt the doctrine.
A09 00:30:24
grammar: A woman joins the conversation. The names of the months in Basque.
Pista Hear file Length
N-030-A 32:07