



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1979-09-11
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Prudencio Esnoz Errea.
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: Coming back from North America. News at home. By train (alone). By boat; songs: new songs of Gipuzkoa. Yo nazco Izpurutarra (I was born in Izpuru). Shepherd life in America.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
miscellaneous, village He has had three children. Felipe, the youngest, is married and has a little girl.The name of the house is Adamenea.The oldest neighbors in the village.The village is supposed to have been founded by some nuns.Before, there was no fountain and a returned immigrant put one in. The water for the houses comes from Lastur.
A02 00:05:15
Basque language With Don José, the priest, they learnt all their christian doctrine in Basque. Confessions were also in Basque.
A03 00:06:20
America, anecdote, travel To go to America they went by train to France to get the boat there. They were ten days in the boat. The first four days they did not leave their cabin because of the bad weather. In America he went to New York as that was the place to get the papers and permissions for the trains. Some of them were Basque Speakers. He went to Utah. He was there for a couple of years . He came back by train, passing through Chicago and Washington and he did the whole journey alone as there was nobody else on the train.In New York he got off the train and meet a Spanish agent. He took the tramline with that person and went to a Spanish hotel. There he met three Frenchmen. They had to wait for five days for the boat to sail. They were twelve days on the boat until they arrived in Cadiz. From there they went to Barcelona and from there to Pamplona by train.
A04 00:26:50
America, jobs: Shepherd life in America: size of the flocks, lambs and coyotes.
A05 00:32:00
song Song: "Gipuzkoar baten kantu berriak"
A06 00:36:10
America, jobs: When they were working as shepherds in America, they used to be in carts.
A07 00:37:00
song Song: "Frantsesaren kantua".
A08 00:43:43
miscellaneous When he learnt the songs he was about twenty-six years old. Now he is eighty eight.
A09 00:44:18
America, jobs:, nutrition: How he made bread when he was a shepherd in America. They made a hole in the ground about the size of a tray. There they put in hot ash and then left the tray of dough about one hour in the hole.
A10 00:45:35
military service, miscellaneous They used to have a draw to see who would go to do the military service. It became obligatory in 1912.Afterwards he was working at home on the farm.They hardly did any smuggling.
A11 00:48:05
miscellaneous He returned home from America to look after his parents.They renovated the house. How much the different tradesmen earned per day.At that time life was hard as there were no machines.The types of cows. Horses. Livestock gave a better living than working on the land.People made money from the smuggling.The thresher and the spade. He has dug two plots this year.
A12 00:56:40
anecdote, disease He was blind for one month. Then they operated on his eyes. He didn’t want to have the operation but in the end he did it. He has come out of it very well.He has only been to the doctor twice in his life. He tells the two occasions. The first time was when he had an infection and the second time was a bite from a snake. How the doctor got the poison out.
Pista Hear file Length
SM-009-A 64:34