

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1999-10-18
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Manex Bergara.
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: His life and his verses.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
lifestyle, miscellaneous Manex lives at the house known as Ametsa de Sara. He has written many songs and verses. (01:48") He was born in Sara in 1917. There were four brothers and one sister and he is the only one living now. His father was a carpentar and his mother a housewife. He went to the local school up to the age of twelve. He got a certificate and his mother took him to Donibane. There they left him to work. It was hard but the Basques were used to hard work. When he was eighteen he entered the Navy for three years. (05:50") He lived in Paris and he got married to a young woman from there. That is his cross. His son does not know Basque and that is unforgivable when you are the son of a Basque speaker.
A02 00:07:10
song Song: "Aitorren hizkuntz zaharra".
A03 00:11:07
anecdote, miscellaneous He has written some hundred verses. His friends made him known as he himself only wrote for himself. It is sad that the young don’t know how to speak Basque nor anything of Euskal Herria and even sadder is the fact that the adults have no interest. For that reason it is worth making an effort to do something about it.The first verses that he brought out: He wrote ten verses on an account of the life they had as prisoners in Miranda. He tells how they came to light.
A04 00:17:07
improvised verse He also made some verses for the Pope’s visit because when he arrived to Spain he kissed the ground but when he came to the Baque Country he didn’t do the same.He writes about things that affect him. To try to express things as they really are.(19:00”) The Pope’s verses were sung by Manex himself.(22:50”) How he made the Loyola verses. He sings the verses written in 1992.(26:35”) He made the Miranda verses in August 1943. How he got pen and pencil.There is nothing like misery to get people to stir themselves.(30:42”) Miranda’s verses sung by Manex himself.(36:05”) He has always been writing more or less. He was a subscriber to “Enbata” and sent off verses.Much less abandon his ideals, he has had them reinforced. The sentiment about Euskal Herria is something inate. (43:54") Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-146a-A 46:17