

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Balen Encaje
  • Researcher: Maitane Encaje Sanz
  • Main theme: Free conversation: family, ancient life, holiday, work, Basque language´s decadence, Christmas time, Easter, pets.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
lifestyle Her name and where she is from. They live from the land and from livestock. When she was young they would come out of school and go to the pelota court to play handball. They had a rivalry with the lads to see who would get to the handball court first and the girls always won. Then they would help at home and go to the rosary. From there they would come out and play a little more and then go home to dinner. As they gradually grew up they would be taken to give a hand at the farm chores or look after the livestock. On Sundays they would go to mass and then go for a stroll on the road.
A02 00:04:54
Basque language: At school they always spoke in Spanish, and in the street too. When she was little, the guards in the town did not want to hear any Basque spoken. That is why the custom of speaking Basque in the street died out, but at home they always spoke in Basque.
A04 00:07:06
Christmas On Xmas eve they would have dinner early. After dinner there was a dance until it was time for midnight mass. When mass was over they would make chocolate drinkswith their friends. On Xmas morning the boys would parade around the streets of the village and in the afternoon there would be a dance.
A05 00:09:17
religion: When she was young at Eastertime they would go from house to house with their rattlers asking for pins in order to make the monument. When the religious service was over they would go out to the street to play. When they became older they would stay in church at prayer.
A06 00:10:57
anecdote In winter, due to the snow, it was difficult to feed the livestock which were in the barns. She has always liked animals, but the big ones a bit less. When she used to go to the rosary, a lamb, a goat and the dog would follow behind her. Once they kept a piglet in the house and she used to feed it. The day that they were going to kill it the pig did not want to come out of the house and they called her to get her to make the pig come out. The speaker went into the house and with her voice she coaxed the animal out of the house. When it came out the waiting men grabbed it and killed it. She has never forgotten the pain of that episode.
Pista Hear file Length
N-001-A 16:28