

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1995-1-21
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Ceferina Iribarren
  • Researcher: Orreaga Ibarra
  • Main theme: Free conversation: home, house work, family, Basque language. Questionnaire: vocabulary, declination, verb, pronouns, sentence.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
lifestyle, school In the school there were fifty four children between six and fourteen years in Basque class. They all went to the same classroom.When they were young they did not go over to the French side.Their way of life was the livestock.
A02 00:04:20
pig killing They used to kill the pig, there was nobody from outside. They would kill the pig and drain the blood and then burn the pig with ferns. Then they would clean it with a bit of slate and with hot water and they would take out the guts. They shared out the pieces.They no longer kill the pig.
A03 00:07:25
carnival: During Carnivalthe children would go from house to house begging. But that has not happened for many years now. The young people of today don’t know about that.
A04 00:09:20
Basque language When she was young she joined in with other girls to do sewing. But nobody else spoke Basque so she had to speak in Spanish. When she was young the village was no longer a Basque-speaking village. Her mother was from there and did not know much Basque. Her father could speak very well. He was from Eugi.They did not speak in the informal mode. (hiketa).About some people who have learnt Basque.They would go to Eugi more than any other town.
A05 00:15:30
grammar:, grammar: Mezkiritz, Ardaitz, Itoiz, sky, world, head, eye, it is ugly, door, I was very tall, wind, arm, relatives, snake, neck, go out of the house, I don’t feel like it, I have hidden the sweets, the book fell down and I picked it up from the floor, to hide, to bury, they have put aside one child for the house, they remained at the doorway without entering, they left all the money to the children, to take, to find, clouds, to see, to know, to give, men, women, to undress, brother, cows, shepherd, lean bacon, sieve, rainbow, night, to light, peace, I am happy, Mr. To hit, gypsy, to go.
A06 00:22:05
Basque language Differences in Basque from the surrounding areas.
A07 00:23:10
grammar:, grammar:, grammar:, grammar: Four, basket, Friday, another, intestine, Thursday, boy, girl, dirty, pea, a month, a thousand pesetas, a witch, hair, niece, the man did this, the men did this, the priest has said mass, the priests have said mass, the boy has done the jobs, the boys have done the jobs, I have come with my boy, I have come with my children, I am going home, Where are you going? I gave the boy the apple, I gave the children the apple, I have given that to the girl, I have given that to the girls, this house is small, that man is tall, that girl is pretty, that one told the truth, that boy is bad, in these houses it is cold, this man works a lot, I was born in this village, that field is ours, meadow, piece, grass-land.
A08 00:30:00
Basque language If their father heard them speaking in Spanish he would always tell them to speak in Basque and they would.The Basque of Zilbeti was more similar to the Basque of Erro than the one of Eugi.
A09 00:32:15
grammar:, grammar:, grammar: This dog is bigger than that one,they are bigger than we are, my grandchildren love me very much, that one saw me from far away, my brother will take us in his car, I’ll give you a slap, they brought us on their backs, you have a dog, pig, bird, hill, wood, they do the things well, you spend a lot of money, it is clear it is going to rain heavily, I can see very well, you can see very well, that one sees very well, we see very well, you see very well, they see well, we’ll see each other another day, I can see myself very well in the mirror, they drink a lot of wine, I myself will do that, you yourself will do that, he himself will do that, we ourselves will do that, you yourselves will do that, they themselves will do that.
A10 00:39:00
grammar:, grammar: They worked hard but they lived happily in the village.Barn, granery, haystack, ground, hole.The mother has told us that she will do the works, I will stay at home, the fruit will be sold cheaper,tomorrow we will pick up the wheat, I will see you home, he happened a terrible thing to him.(43.35") I liked flowers, you liked them, he liked them, we liked them, you liked them, they liked them.
A11 00:44:40
grammar: We can do that, you had a lot of flowers.
A12 00:45:40
weather: The weather.Sheep and the cabins.When it snowed when he was young they stayed isolated.
B01 00:00:00
miscellaneous, village The bread was made at home every eight days. Now few people live in the village and they are old. About some of the village people.
B02 00:04:55
grammar: They have done, those men are going to the fields.
B03 00:05:30
miscellaneous Although she has not killed sheep, she has had to work with them.
B04 00:06:45
religion: With the blessed branches from the day of San Juan they would make the bonfire the following year and they would jump over saying “ out with the mange”.
B05 00:07:46
anecdote, miscellaneous She has never heard of any weird stories or witches tales in the village. During the period of the war it seems that the “Maquis” (rebels) were to be seen in the mountains but they never passed through the village. Dr. Samaniego used to go to the village. His brothes were born in Pamplona. His mother was ill and she was carried to hospital.Before a lot of children died.
B06 00:12:15
religion: Funerals: when someone died, the neighbors would go to the house to help out. They would make the box. The wood was always at the ready in the houses. At night the children were at their prayers and they were called "hilortzaile"(gravediggers). They would go to the villages where there were relatives who would invite them. A great meal was prepared. If someone was forgotten to be invited then there would be arguments. The corpse used to be in the house. Before, everybody died in the village not in hospital. If it was necessary to take care of someone ill they went to the houses even if they were not relatives. They also helped out with work.
B07 00:19:45
religion: The priest lived in the “abbey”. He ha a servant.Nowadays the priest from Ilurdotz comes to the village.She has a nephew who is a priest in Vitoria.
B08 00:22:35
Basque language, miscellaneous Differences between the words “mendia” (hill) and “oihana” (forest).Entrance, window.The daughter’s work.About some Basque-speaking relatives.When they hear Basque being spoken in the street, they turn round.
Pista Hear file Length
I-041-A 48:09
I-041-B 31:59