



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1979-07-05
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Hermenegilda Villanueva. Marcos Saragüeta.
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: From the house Apesui. The two daughters are Basque speakers. Learning Basque language. Herbs. wheat harvest. Spoon manufacturer. Works in the mountain .Cola manufacture. Ancient way of life.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
agriculture, animal husbandry, lifestyle When she was young everyone spoke in Basque. Even today there are still some Basque speakers in the village. The young people in her house are learning Basque.In the village school the priest has given a course in Basque. Another group meets in the society.When she was young the only thing she spoke at home was Basque. But when she began to walk out with her friends they would speak Spanish.The villages roundabout where Basque is most spoken.
A02 00:05:25
Basque language There were twelve girls and only one boy. So she did work in the fields. She was the eldest.The threshing: The treshing machine was tied with a saw and it was spun round. Afterwards it was necessary to winnow the wheat.On gathering the wheat, sheafs were made. What they called “kalidadea” (quality) was for making bread. The rest was rye.In the beginning she used to use a sickle.
A03 00:11:10
agriculture Her brother fell into a cave at the age of ten and died.She had two sons and one of them was killed by the armed guards. They shot four bullets into his back when he was at the smuggling.The other son on going into the bathroom to wash himself fell backwards and died. He left four kids behind him.
A04 00:15:50
anecdote Her brother fell into a cave at the age of ten and died.She had two sons and one of them was killed by the armed guards. They shot four bullets into his back when he was at the smuggling.The other son on going into the bathroom to wash himself fell backwards and died. He left four kids behind him.
A05 00:19:45
jobs:, jobs: Marcos’s introduction. He is a spoon-maker. He also worked at wood and making coal. In his youth there were seventeen families of spoon-makers in the village. They sent them to Gerona and to Valencia. They went to Aezkoa, Orbara, Garralda...for the boxwood. That kind of wood is used because it is harder and doesn’t lose color. Tools: hatchet saw, wooden hammer, "zeilua", "lantzekoa", "marraza" (big knife), knife.They were paid three and a half pesetas for 145 spoons. They were sent mostly to Gerona. There, in the factory, they would be given the final touches. They were sent in a rough shape. Now it takes him an hour and a half to do one spoon.He also does forks, but it is more difficult. They are easier to break while at work on them. Nowadays there is an abundance of wood because there are not many spoon-makers now.
Pista Hear file Length
SM-006b-B 31:51