

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1994-8-24
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Marcos Saragueta
  • Researcher: Orreaga Ibarra
  • Main theme: A. Questionnaire: verb. Free conversation: houses of the village, ancient life... (30´). B. Free conversation: old memories, carpenter work, Basque language in the family, accident. Questionnaire: vocabulary, verb.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
jobs: He has been in different places giving demonstrations of the work of the the “kutxetagile” (spoon-maker). The homage that he was paid in the neighborhood of Sangüesa. He is the oldest person in the business.They sent the spoons to Valencia with a rough shape and there they put them through the machine. He remembers seventy-seven families in the village and seventeen of them were "kutxetagiles". And in each house there were more than three men.They were sent to Lérida, Tarragona and Valencia. Cut, big knife.They used to cut it with the saw, give it a rough shape with the hatchet, and then they would work on it. He has to go to Aezkoa to another fair.He has been given three homages; the first in Rentería and the last one in the valley.About the last "kutxetagiles".
A02 00:11:45
Basque language How he says: “I used to like to go off up the mountain.” There have been many people making recordings of euskera.He learnt The Basque language and the Spanish language at home. His brothers and sisters did not learn Basque.
A03 00:17:00
war A story about one of his brothers; they wounded him three times in the war. About that one’s life. He was eleven months in the war, but without having to go to the front line. They were on guard duty in Sorogain.
A04 00:22:05
anecdote, quarry The quarry at Mezhiritz. At that time he was mayor and he himself went to work there. The accident that he had: the gunpowder blew up.
A05 00:25:45
grammar:, grammar:, grammar: Brother, brothers, cows, I want to eat some more, bacon, ham, God, night midnight, forty, eighty, put on the light, sin, peace, I am happy, the body is not well, shepherd, Friday, Sunday, Saturday, intestines, two, I will do this, I will tell the truth, boy, dirty, bean, peas, mud, cousin, he is a hard worker, this month, a thousand pesetas, witch, grasshopper, hair, sheep’s wool, moon, sun, nephew, the man did that, the priest has said mass, the priests have said mass, the son did the work, the sons did the work, I came on foot, I came with my son, I came with my sons, where are you going? I gave my son an apple, I gave my children an apple, I said that to the girl, I said that to the girls, this house is small, that man is tall, that girl is pretty, that person told the truth, this dog is bigger than the other one, they came from there, he came from there.
A06 00:36:05
Basque language Only two Basque-speakers remain in the village. He spoke in “hiketa”(informal form) with those of his age group and he spoke in “zuketa” (formal) with the older people. In the valley there were 37 groups of friends and now there are no more than two.
A07 00:38:25
anecdote The accidents and illnesses which he has had.
A08 00:41:35
boxwood He had the Orbara Mountain leased forty eight years and they got the boxwood from there. That was the best wood from there. They were there fifteen days without going home. Once a week someone came and took away what they had cut down.
A09 00:44:28
grammar:, grammar: I am going to fetch the cows, let’s load the donkey, they went to look for the son, I like to eat bread, don’t let me be tempted, I think milk is good for the health, the woman saw the men, the man said to the women, I gave that to my son, I have given that to my children.
B01 00:00:00
grammar: I am hungry, I have money in my hands, I was born in Mezkiritz, Where is Pedro? You have a dog, that one has seen me, they brought us on their shoulders, you did that (hiketa-informal) be quiet (hiketa-informal), you are very bad (hiketa-informal), I can see very well, we had a dog, you already had a dog.
B02 00:03:10
miscellaneous They used to have wheat, corn, oats, and vetch.Three girls were here asking earlier How he says: I think they live in Pamplona.
B03 00:05:15
memories, miscellaneous Those people from that house were also "kutxetagiles", the father and the grandfather. Some things about them. Stories about the houses.
B04 00:09:45
music The musicians used to be from Estella or Lumbier. They played in the square. They were usually four or five musicians. One year there were two groups and they brought two different music bands.
Pista Hear file Length
I-046-A 47:48
I-046-B 11:42