



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1976-09
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Jose Mª Lombide
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: CUBA: situation, environment. Education- To get money. Family. Drinks and foods. Mulatto women.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
Cuba, economy, family, work Cuba has both good things and bad things about it. The old people have food rations, but the young people live quite well because there is work. In Cuba everyone seems happy because that is their character. The young people are happy with the political situation. The old people, on the other hand, say that the previous Government allowed a lot of thievery but the streets were always clean. The transport workers, who were behind the revolution, say that their work was increased afterwards.La Habana is very dirty. It is pretty in itself, but its façade is very dirty. Now they are looking for the tourists and building modern hotels.There is no money in Cuba. There is tobacco, sugar and coffee and what the land yields but there is no industry nor anything that makes money.Education is free for the young. Some study to become doctors, others lawyers, others for the military and others get a lot of indoctrinization from the political party. A comparison with the Russians. They are both forms of communism but the character of the people is quite different and that is what creates the differences.All the land belongs to the State. Nobody can own their own land. They form co-operatives. The wage depends on what they produce, they don’t produce for themselves. The salaries have a difference of between one and seven, where those in services get the lowest wages. In each district there is an assembly and there they decide how much each should earn. Then the Government accepts that decision.Weddings are free. When they get bored, the divorce costs a hundred pesos (8,200 pts). The man gets married to a younger woman. Most couples separate. The children of those who stay together are educated by the Government. Education is free at all levels. There is also family life. The Government takes charge of those children from separated parents but the others can live with the family.
A02 00:14:45
anecdote, Cuba, religion A painting of the meeting house and the tree in Gernika in the museum of magic and superstitions.There are about fifty different religions there. He has never believed in any kind of superstition. There were three churches open but not many people would attend. There has been little Catholicism in Cuba.
A03 00:19:50
Cuba, economy The food was very good and they served too much. It is similar to the food here.Life was expensive for some things and for others not. A peso was worth 81,90 pesetas. The charged them half the normal price in the hotel. They do that for the tourism. They have a strong economy. You don’t see any dollars, only pesos.They don’t have anything of their own. With nine per cent of the salary they pay the house.
A04 00:25:50
anecdote, mulattoes The half-cast women are as a result of relations between men from Vizcaya and half-casts.About the “Soroa” house.A man who was with him in Burgos as a soldier.
Pista Hear file Length
SM-001a-A 31:23