

Patziku Perurena


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1992
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Maria Jesus Sagastibeltza
  • Researcher: Patziku Perurena
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
miscellaneous About a young man who was not happy in the village and went off to Barcelona and his family.
A02 00:04:05
anecdote, lifestyle Some tales about a man who was very funny. Stories about his youth.The families in those days were much larger.Anecdotes.Repairing the roof of the house.Other anecdotes about his father who used to make coal.(18:30") Stories about the period of the war.
A03 00:20:20
anecdote, miscellaneous About the family.The brothers and sisters.Antonio went off to Errementenea as a serving boy and got married to a girl who grew up with that family. The wife was operated on and after coming back home she slipped and fell in the bathroom and killed herself. Stories of Feliciano, Emilio, Hilario and their wives and their work.The youngest brother went to the Seminary when he was twenty-one.Anecdotes about the Seminary.
B01 00:00:00
anecdote, miscellaneous His mother arrived as a serving girl at seven years of age. The woman of the house where she was got gangerine in her leg and when they told her that the leg would have to come off she said she would rather die. The woman died and his mother had to look after the ten children. She was in that house until she got married at the age of nineteen. The parents of her husband had a serving boy and a serving girl but instead of helping in the house they would do bad things and they left them without anything.More stories about the family.The uncles went off to America in 1930. As the war was coming they wanted to take the nephews and nieces with them. But they did not want the parents to be left all alone so someone stayed behind with them.Stories of the family here and over there.The husbands and wives of the brothers and sisters.
Pista Hear file Length
PP-033-A 31:36
PP-033-B 32:08