

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1983-03-08
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant:
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
military service, miscellaneous, weather It has been a hard winter.He did the military service in Zaragoza and Pamplona.
A02 00:03:05
lifestyle The young people from there work in the factory. They have quite a few cows and sheep and nothing more. They have also got some potatoes and a vegetable plot.
A03 00:04:25
miscellaneous He knows San Sebastian and it is quite different. He has a sister in Lesaka.Wintertime is very hard.
A04 00:06:24
Basque language The young people no longer speak Basque. School is taught through Spanish.In the village there are about ten Basque speakers.Before they did not want to have anything to do with Basque and moved over to Spanish and now, on the other hand, they want to know Basque. Then again, the barracks is over there and they are all Spanish speakers.She uses Basque very little nowadays.More Basque is spoken in Mezkiritz.
A05 00:09:00
agriculture: Machinary. Seed-spreader. Spreads the manure.
A06 00:09:35
miscellaneous The grandmother is now very old.(10.15") They get potatoes from the land.
A07 00:10:25
grammar: I am going, I come, you go (hiketa), let’s go, we came, you come.
A08 00:11:50
miscellaneous They have a dog to look after the sheep.There is no bar.
A09 00:13:05
Basque language In Valcarlos everybody speaks in Basque too.In the war when he spoke with people from Guipuzkoa and Vizcaya and he did not understand them.
A10 00:18:05
lifestyle He has cows. He sells the milk but the prices are poor. The fodder costs twenty-two and a half pesetas and for a liter of milk he is paid twenty-six pesetas.Iñaki’s studies.He lives with his wife and son.There is no shop in the village but some vans come around.His son works beyond in the fields.
A11 00:22:05
war: When they were young they had dancing in the village. His brother played music. He learnt music when he was doing the military service.He was a soldier in Santander, Asturias, Teruel, Huesca... in the war.
A12 00:23:38
religion: Nobody is happy, everybody complains.Before the priest had a lot of power, but not anymore. Before, there was a lot of respect shown to the old. Nowadays there is no respect.
A13 00:27:20
lifestyle The chores in the afternoon.The young go off to Pamplona or Irarralde but they never go out except if there is something that they need to do.The children from the village go to school to Erro. Afterwards they play pelota and things like that.
A14 00:30:00
lifestyle When he was young there was no TV or radio. The radio came after the war to some of the houses. And later, the TV and the cars. Things have changed. Before there were many in the families and there wasn’t work for all of them. Nowadays the families are smaller.
A15 00:32:45
Basque language In San Sebastian some people are Basque speakers and others are not. It is not the same thing to learn the language as your mother tongue in the home as to learn it from books.She gets bored reading in Basque.
A16 00:35:23
miscellaneous They speak about San Sebastian.About the word “mina” (pain).
A17 00:38:00
Basque language, politics In Navarra he knows the mountain zone well but not the Ribera zone.Whether Iparralde is a part of France or of Euskal Herria. The transitional villages.The Basque language is politized.
A18 00:41:40
water In summer everything gets dry. They need water to get along. At night it always gets a bit cooler.
A19 00:43:40
grammar:, tree Cherry-tree, oak, beech and pine are the most common trees.Shrubwood, juniper boxwood.
A20 00:45:45
animal husbandry:, miscellaneous, tobacco He smokes two packets of cigarettes per day.What they spend on fodder per month.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-015b-B 47:42