



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1978
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: J. Bergara.
  • Researcher: Jan Braun
  • Main theme: Animal names. Txistu an(flute) and songs.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Bad
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
agriculture, miscellaneous Introduces himself. How he learnt music and how to play the “chistu” (flute) He got married at twenty-four and he was in charge of the inn that his parents had had. He has one son and one daughter and two grandchildren.(03:35”) Most people from Sara live from the land. As profits are few, the children work outside in the factories.
A02 00:05:40
music, song When his “brothers” left Spain. He learnt music with them and how to play the chistu. After the war music bands were formed. He played the chistu with different bands. He has been to many places playing the chistu. His last trip was in 1958. Since then he only plays at home. In winter he teaches music to children. (09.08")Part of the chistu.(09.58") Song.(12.15") Song: "Uxo zuria".(13.20") Song: "Gazte gaztetik".
A03 00:15:00
animals, grammar: Kid goat, goat, mountain goat, wolf, fox, bear, badger, squirrel.
A04 00:16:15
miscellaneous, studies He went to school in Ataun. The schoolmaster was from the village and did not know very much. He was old and had no real methodology but he had a great heart. He was a nationalist. He would always speak to them in Basque. Those who came afterwards, on the other hand, always spoke in Spanish.
A05 00:21:12
animals, grammar:, tree Hare, Hedgehog, Mole, Mouse, bat, otter, jaybird, migratory bird, "opila" (beak?), Capercaillee, owl, kite, "musoka", falcon, kestrel, eagle, pheasant, swallow, sparrow, magpie, blackbird, heron, mallard, swan, woodcock, lizard, reptile, tortoise, frog, slug, bee, ant, butterfly, "liztazina"("txirriska"), eel, trout, salmon, tree, root, bark, branch, leaf, rotten tree, “miura”, forest, oak, holm-oak, beech, poplar, ash tree, cedar tree.
Pista Hear file Length
SD-009a-A 32:57