

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1986
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Dionisio Jamar Sario -Baxterra-.
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A02 00:07:06
work The greater part of the work is done in summer: work at the potatoes and the hay. In summer they get up at seven o’clock and in winter at nine o’clock. His work is to take care of the livestock.
A03 00:08:49
Basque language When he started to go to school he left off the Basque language. What he knows is what he learnt before starting school. He finds it easier to speak in Spanish than in Basque because he hardly ever speaks in Basque and so he has forgotten a lot. In all the villages of Aezkoa he speaks in Spanish. Abaurrea Alta and Aria are the two villages where Basque is most spoken. A couple of years back they set up a “gau eskola” (Basque language school) and some people started to study Basque but to really learn it time, effort and willpower are needed. In France he speaks in Basque.
A04 00:15:17
Basque language: Speaking Basque with people from Vizcaya is difficult as he can’t understand their Basque. And they hardly understand him either. The Basque language has that element about it, it changes from place to place and sometimes the speakers don’t understand each other. This does not happen with Spanish, it is easily understood everywhere. In order to learn Basque it is necessary to speak it. Whoever does not have it in their blood and in their heart will not absorb it easily.
A05 00:19:26
leisure On Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons they organize meals and play cards in the tavern. Nowadays the young people with their cars go off to the dance halls.When he was young that kind of thing never happened. He has never known the music sessions.When his parents were young they used to bring musicians to the fiestas.
A06 00:21:43
religion: The priests would always tell them how to behave with each other and they were given great respect, unlike the present day.
A07 00:22:52
miscellaneous He does not have a driving license. When he was young there were no cars. If he were young now he would take out a driving license and he would go wherever he liked in his car.
A08 00:25:01
grammar: The horse-man, th mareman, sheepman, goatman, there is no trace of them now, sheepmen and little more. There are no livestock now. In the old days there used to be a small range of livestock in every house. In summer they all joined up and made one large flock and and there was a sheepman assigned to that flock. In winter each house took back their own animals to look after them. But nowadays there are no young people in the houses to do that work.
A09 00:28:26
television He watches television when there is something decent on it. For some people good quality means one thing and for others another thing. Some want to look at naked women and the parents of those people had taught them that that should be treated in its due measure.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-005a-A 32:49