

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1992-04-01
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Lina Lerindegiri.
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Bad
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
grammar: Work has changed thanks to machinery. They used to have cattle for meat but now they have cows for milk. They make cheese from the sheep milk. They use the word "gazna" (cheese) but most of the time they say "gazta".
A02 00:01:46
nutrition: How the cheese is made. Heat the milk at 32 degrees and then let it cool during half an hour or three quarters of an hour. But it to heat again and stirring it heat it at 42 degrees. Leave it to cool for half an hour. Put it in the mould and put it in the storeroom. Everything is done by hand.
A03 00:02:58
grammar: He does not know the word"arotza" (blacksmith), he uses the Spanish form "herrero". The French –Basque is different and he does not understand it very well.
A04 00:03:56
agriculture: In Garralda the witner is long, cold and it snows a lot. The Hay starts in sanfermin and in September they make the October hay.
A05 00:05:43
grammar: He does not know the names of all the months in Basque. The seasons of the year. The days of the week.
A06 00:06:48
dance During fiestas they would bring in musicians. They would be waiting for the fiestas all year as this was the only time when they ate well. Nowadays it is very different as they eat well all year. Fortunately, things have changed. Nearly every Sunday there was an accordion player and a dance. He has never known of any special dance in Garralda.
A07 00:08:53
hunting It is the hunting season at present. They have caught two wild boars. He uses the word “anea” to define “brother” but he also uses “anaia”. From the wild boar they make salami and things, just like from the pig.
A08 00:09:41
reservoir of Itoiz The reservoir at Itoiz. They do not know how this will effect Aezkoa. The people don’t want it to be built. The relationship with the valley of Arce and Oroz-Betelu. Those from there do not want the reservoir to be built either.
A09 00:10:47
winter The winter nights. The men looked after the livestock and the woman did knitting. They would go to bed early. When the radio came in then they would go to bed later.
A10 00:12:11
jobs: (The man speaks). In winter he would spend four months in France with the sheep and the summer months in the cabins of the mountain pass. Now he does not go to France because there are problems with the French.
A11 00:13:41
smuggling More or less all the villages of Aezkoa have done some smuggling. But he does not think there is any now.
A12 00:14:49
jobs: To be a shepherd is a hard life if you are forced into it. If you do it with enthusiasm then it is not so bad. The variants "aberastu" and "abrastu" (to get rich).The shepherds from The Roncal and from Salazar usually go down to the Bardenas to spend the winter months there. Those from Aezkoa on the other hand usually go over to France. The sheep from Aezkoa are “lachas” while those from The Roncal and Salazar are “churras”. They have never mixed sheeps’ milk and cow’s milk in together.
A13 00:19:14
nutrition: How the"gazta zaharra" is made: That cheese which looks bad is used for it, the ugly ones and the ones which have cracked. They are cleaned and scraped. Then it is put into a pot with water and it is mixed well and left for two months. Strong tasting cheese is needed, if not, it can turn out bad. Nobody would dare to say when the best cheese comes out.
A14 00:22:00
festivals At Xmas and in winter they used to play cards or the girls and boys would get together in houses and make something to eat. Sometimes there would be an accordion player and a dance. Sometimes they would go from house to house playing.
A15 00:25:03
jobs: musician In Aezkoa there were a group of accordion players. Now the young children are beginning to learn from a teacher who comes from Barañain.
A16 00:27:01
school the children from Aezkoa, Burguete, Roncesvalles, and theErro valley comes to school to Garralda. Before, they used to also come from Valcarlos, but then they put up a school there.
A17 00:28:28
winter This year it has been a very good winter, but it is still wintertime. Lately, there have not been any hard winters but four or five years back they were isolated for eight or ten days.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-014a-A 31:15