

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1982-03-25
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Simona Garate Otxoa
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
lifestyle He used to work on the land and in the woods with the cows. His father also worked in the woods with the cows making wood for house-building. The rafts of wood used to go down the river under the bridge.
A02 00:03:21
Basque language: It is a great pity that the Basque language is being lost. She is the last speaker in her family. A grandaughter says that she is going to learn, but that Basque is different. The Basque from Salazar is rough and ready and that is why she does not want to speak it. On the other hand, the Basque from San Sebastian is very clear.
A03 00:04:27
grammar: More than once she has been interviewed by researchers who would ask questions about the lexical items. A list of words in the Salazar dialect.
A04 00:08:04
rafts The men on the rafts used to spend the night in Sangüesa, and then go on to Zaragoza. They were men from Ochagavía, Ezcároz, Oronz and Esparza, and also from The Roncal, but none from Aezkoa .
A05 00:09:01
youth The land belonging to the village is poor. The plots are quite far and they only sow potatoes. When they were young they had no distractions, the girls would go for short walks and then go quickly home again. She used to go to the fiestas in Ochagavía as her mother was from there.
A06 00:12:07
grammar: Questions about the lexicon. The traditional dress.
A07 00:13:49
family Now she does not work, just helps about in the kitchen. She never leaves the house, not even to go to mass. The priest calls to the house. The children and the husband. Her husband was also from the village, a shepherd.
A08 00:19:11
civil war During the Civil War there was a lot of misery. Her husband would go out at night to bring back some wheat. Her husband and her father-in-law got out of having to go to the war.
A09 00:20:51
Basque language: At that period of the war, the boys and girls always spoke in Basque to one another, but most of them are dead now. The Basque language has been lost because the young people did not want to speak it. Her son used to speak Basque but no longer does so. She herself does not speak it because she never goes outside the house.
A10 00:24:03
grammar: It is only hot for about two months of the year. Then it becomes cool. The months of the year. It rains a lot. Lately it does not snow much, and when it does, by the following day it has disappeared again.This year they have had no winter.
A11 00:25:50
travel She has been to Madrid, San Sebastián, Pamplona and Alicante visiting her daughter who is a nun.
A12 00:29:36
lifestyle Her children come once a year in the summer. In the summer and in Easter week many outsiders come to the village. She gets mass from the television. Nowadays the women no longer go to work at the potato. She has never attended a mass in Basque because the priests were never Basque speakers. They were never short of something to eat, they did not suffer hardship. She went to school until she was thirteen.
A13 00:39:43
sayings The researcher reads some proverbs from Salazar but they are not familiar to the speaker.
A14 00:41:42
lifestyle She only reads her prayer books and the headlines from the newspapers. Nowadays, all the houses are done up and have bathrooms, but that was not the case until quite recently. In the old days wine was only sold at one house and there, just occassionally the men would get together to play mus. There are a lot of Civil guards in Ochagavía. They have never had any problems with them. Her parents always spoke in Basque. Name and age of the speaker.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-001-A 50:51
IC-001-B 34:58