

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1987-04-22
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Segundo Arostegi Arostegi -Kixket-. María Arozarena Legatz -Mendialde, Kixket-.
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Bad
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
grammar: "Behinaz behin, behinik behin" (at least); "anitz aldiz, ardura" (often); "justo-justo, iusto-iusto" (only just ); cura; Mister; "demonio, deabru" (demon).
A02 00:06:37
grammar: verb Some forms of the nor-nori-nork. The use of the forms “erraten dutenez - diotenez"..With the young the tu form is used and with the elders the usted form is used. Between them they use the tu form. Use of the forms "etor dadila datorrela". Conditional verbs . The verb "ezan".
A03 00:18:51
grammar: The word "kollube" (storeroom under the stairs). "I’m bleeding ". " every second time ". Well, Raft. "He already knows Spanish, if he knows he will speak it".To lose one’s hair. They don’t use the word "kabale" (livestock) but rather "abereak". The cows are vaccinated livestock. The words mule, donkey, livestock, to ride, beast of burden. The expressions"anitz aldiz" (very often) y "batzuk" (some, various).
A04 00:28:11
grammar: verb Some forms of "hiketa", potential nor-nork and nor-nori.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-009b-B 31:35