



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1979-09-10
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Estefanía Laurenz.
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: Customs of Abaurrea Baja. The fire. Farak. The wash. The flax.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
witchcraft (This fragment is a direct continuation of the last minute of recording (SM-12a).(Speaks in Spanish) – “Why are you shouting at us? – said the gypsy. “Why have you taken those potatoes”? – the woman answered her. When that woman died she was three days in agony and she would mutter: “barka, barka”, (forgive me, forgive me). The priest in Garaioa told them to give her an iron piece to hold, and then she finally died.
A02 00:01:06
witchcraft (This is a continuation of the recording SM-012a. The speaker speaks in Spanish. A man behind him can be heard). As they never did anything to him he does not believe in witches. What he relates is the truth, but as these things happened when he was very small, he cannot judge them. There were books and that sort of trash (?) that they said they used to read and that caused the badness. In a certain house there were many disgraces, and they said that someone with a book was getting at them. One time a shepherd saw a cloud and suddenly half the flock went one way and the other half the other way. The one half had bad births and the other half was fine. In Abaurrea Alta they said in one house they had a book that someone read and that some sheep ran a great distance in one night without being seen by anyone. So they decided to burn the book and they threw it in the stove. When a certain man died the misfortunes stopped occuring in several houses.
A03 00:08:32
witchcraft When her grandfather died they prepared a large pot with chick peas in it and perhaps because they had overfilled it, it exploded. When they heard about the other thing (see fragment A03 from recording SM-012a) they blamed the business of the pot on that.
A04 00:09:53
customs At funerals the relatives of the dead person brought candles and bread to the church as offerings. Half way through the mass the priest received the bread. Whoever made the offering would share out the bread and everyone took a piece as they left the church. At the funeral celebration a great meal was prepared and many people would sit to it. They would tell their bees that someone in the house had died.
A05 00:13:29
customs: Saint John On the night of San Juan they would make bonfires at the church porch. Branches would be burnt and the embers would be taken home. (14:35”) (She begins to speak in Spanish) On the morning of San Juan they would put two branches on each side of the door, one of hazel wood and the other of a berry bush. They would take holy water home and bless the animals. At Xmas they would burn a large trunk.
A06 00:15:28
medicine: One of her legs has been paining her for the past twenty years. She has tried various cures but they have not cleared up the thing.
A07 00:21:42
grammar: The word "amutxa" (grandmother). A prayer that the grandmother used to say when she put out the fire at the fireplace at home.
A08 00:24:01
customs: Epiphany When the speaker was a young girl on the eve of January 6th, the day of the Kings, the children would run through the streets with animal bells. By the time they got back home the presents would have been placed in the shoes.
A09 00:26:01
customs: Christmas On Xmas Eve they would burn the biggest trunk of wood that they had.
A10 00:26:39
customs: Ash Wednesday (Speaking in Spanish) On Ash Wednesday they would take branches to the church where they were burnt.
A10 00:26:39
customs: Ash Wednesday (Speaks in Castilian) On Ash Wednesday, they used to take the branches to the church to be burnt.
A11 00:27:10
customs: Saint John On the night of San Juan they would make bonfires. They would bring a branch to be blessed. In the fields where they had sown wheat, they would put little crosses to protect it from the hailstones. On the day of San Juan they would put two branches on the two sides of the door of the house before sunrise or soon after, one of which was hazel and the other, a berry bush. They would bring water from the well and the priest would bless it. With that water they would bless the animals.
A11 00:27:10
customs: Saint John On Midsummer’s Night (St. John’s), they used to make bonfires. They took a branch to be blessed. They used to put small crosses in the fields where they had sowed wheat to protect them from hail. On Midsummer’s day, just before dawn or immediately afterwards, they used to put two branches on either side of the door of each house, one of thorn and the other of hazel. They fetched water from the pump and the priest blessed it. This water was used to bless the livestock.
Pista Hear file Length
SM-012b-B 29:33