

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study


Town Dialects Maps Records
Luzaide/Valcarlos 129
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
EHHA-4_25_001 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_002 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_003 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_004 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_005 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_006 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_007 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_008 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_009 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_010 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_011 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_012 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_013 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_014 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_015 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_016 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_017 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
EHHA-4_25_018 Audio Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa A study of the language for the Linguistic Atlas of the Basque language.
I-090b Audio Orreaga Ibarra The informant likes a lot Basque language. He has written in Basque and collected toponymy. His children also are Basque speakers and live in Pamplona. His grandchildren study in a Basque language school.
I-091b Audio Orreaga Ibarra
I-092 Audio Orreaga Ibarra 66 years old.
II-111a Audio Irulegi Irratia Dance of Luzaide/Valcarlos. Contraband. 68 years old.
II-112a Audio Irulegi Irratia Bordel verse singer´s songs. 68 years old. He was born the 3rd of July of 1930.
II-114b Audio Irulegi Irratia Ancient verses. 68 years old. He was born the 3rd of July of 1930.
II-130b Audio Irulegi Irratia Factory. Electricity. Carnivals. 80 years old. From the house Kriteria in Valcarlos. He was born the 20th of October of 1919.
II-140a Audio Irulegi Irratia Bordel Juan Etxamendi, verse singer (07-01-1792). Verses of the verse singers of Valcarlos (1792-1879). Offered by Martikorena and Ainciburu. 68 years old.
II-141b Audio Irulegi Irratia A shepherd in the mountains of Garazi. 74 years old. (Beñardo is his name during the war).
II-150b Audio Irulegi Irratia Songs and poems abput childhood. Verses about Xalbador too. 68 years old. He was born the 3rd of July of 1930.
IR-002b Audio Irati Irratia Conversation.
IR-011a Audio Irati Irratia 25-11-1919.
IR-011b Audio Irati Irratia
M-007 Audio Nafarroako Euskaldunen Mintzoak
S-004a Audio Satrustegi Lecture of entrance in Euskaltzaindia.
S-005b Audio Satrustegi (The first part is in Spanish). Jokes. Doing an impression of two teachers. Second part: conversation between Xalbador and Mattin.
S-014b Audio Satrustegi Saint Juan´s song. Luzia Zufiaurre (original). Pedroangel´s song (Lukas Zufiaurre). Song of Bakaiku (Lukas Zufiaurre). Urgoiena of Etxarri. Valcarlos. Juan Kruz Arrosagarai. Bordel´s grandchild´s song. (He lives in California). Urdiain. Maritxu Galarza tells some stories. Lukas Zufiaurre and Maritxu Galarza from Urdiain, Juan Kruz Arrosagarai from Valcarlos. Juanita Larrea, 70 years old.
SC-002b Audio Satrustegi Nevadara juan nintzan ´I went to Nevada´. (song). The death of the basque shepherd.. Recorded in Pomona (California).
SC-002c Audio Satrustegi Recorded in Pomona (California).
SC-004a Audio Satrustegi Verses by Juan Etxamendi, Bordele, in 1864: Aldudementako kantiak (songs of the hostel of ALdude´). Ene ezpiritian bazen zonbait bertsu (´in my spirit there were some verses´). Sortuz geroz zor dugun hiltzia(´the death we owe since our birth). Napoleon III.ari (´to Napoleón the Third). Oroit gaiten guziok (´Let´s remember´). Luzaideko diruzain eta kontseiluari (´to the treasurer and the council of Valcarlos´). Recorded in California: 5-VII-1982
SC-004b Audio Satrustegi Verses by Juan Etxamendi, Bordele, about 1864: Limiten kantiak (´songs of the borders´), made by Bordel the verse singer. Luzaideko indemnizazioniaren gainian (´About the compensations of Valcarlos´). Bordelen bestako (´the guy of the holiday of Bordele´). Etchaundiko kantiak. Gelariaren koblak (´the waitress´ verses´). Bankako neskatuak (´girls of Banca´). Date and verse singers are not fixed.
SC-005a Audio Satrustegi Verses: A greeting to Basque people. Get out the bed María Ángela. Travel to the Basque Country. He has just arrived. Christmas greeting, on behalf of María Ángela. Date is not fixed. Recorded in California.
SC-005b Audio Satrustegi Verses: The death of Juan P. Iroz. Christmas greeting. Christmas day in 1973. Second Easter Sunday in Chinese. The wifes´songs in Turlock. Our language in 1973. Nor the verse singer´s name neither the date are fixed. Recorded in California.
SC-006a Audio Satrustegi Verses and songs: Aldude mentakoak (people of the hostel of Aldude). Ene izpirituan (in my spirit). Sortuz geroz guziek (after their birth). Luzaideko diruzain eta kontseilua (Bookkeeper and Council of Valcarlos). Napoleon hirugarrenari (to Napoleón the Third). Oroit gaiten guziok (Let´s remember). Agur Nafarroa (Goodbye Navarre). 1975. Recorded in Pomona (California).
SC-006b Audio Satrustegi Verses and songs: Gelariaren koblak (waitress verses). Etxaundiko kantiak (songs of Etxaundi). Bankako neskak (girls of Banca). Montevideoko zahar bat (an old man of Montevideo). Argentinakoak (from Argentina) Adan eta Eva (Adan and Eve). Otxalderi hasten. Xarmagarria (lovely). Recording date
SC-007a Audio Satrustegi Song: Salamanca. Juan Cruz´s way of life in California and why he left Valcarlos. Eugene´s birth place is not fixed, he was 76 years old in 1977. Recorded in California.
SC-008a Audio Satrustegi Verses: Youth in Valcarlos (two parts). A person of Valcarlos singing. Visit to the hospital (to P. D. Etchamendy). Bordele´s continuation. A Basque person from California. Recording date is not fixed.
SC-008b Audio Satrustegi Verses: Verses made by J. C. Arrosagaray for the festivities of Bordele. Ene lehen kusi zenari. Made by Bordele, the verse singer, after all´s birth. Let´s remember the time of the death. My good wife. Recording date is not fixed.
SC-009a Audio Satrustegi Verses and songs: to my nephew Angel. Our priest leaves. To the priest Satrustegi. The death of Juan P. Iroz. Greeting to Xalbador. I speak Basque from California. It is not sure. He is Ángel Ainciburu´s uncle.
SC-009b Audio Satrustegi Verses: Seven years in my life. Gratitude to Sir Miguel Sagaseta. Songs of the nephews married in 1975. It is not sure. He is Ángel Ainciburu´s uncle
SC-010a Audio Satrustegi Verses by Juan Etxamendi, Bordele in 1864: Donostian soldado (´soldier in San Sebastian). Heriotze kruel bat Arneguyn 1864-an (´cruel death in Arneguy in 1864). Agur Naparroa (´Greetings Navarre´). Zazpi uso doatzi amalua hegalez (´there are 7 doves with 14 wings´). Nor the verse singer´s name neither the date are fixed. Recorded in California.
SC-010b Audio Satrustegi Verses by Juan Etxamendi, Bordele, in 1864: Barberain kantiak (´barber songs´). Karlistenlehen gerlakoa (´about the first Carlist war´). Karlisten 2. gerlakoak (´about the second Carlist war´). Limiten kantiak (´songs of the borders´). Nor the verse singer´s name neither the date are fixed. Recorded in California.
SC-011a Audio Satrustegi Songs: To the Basque language. Married couple´s songs. Greetings to M. Sagaseta. Recorded in Pomona (California).
SC-011b Audio Satrustegi Shepherd. Pork butcher. Farmer. From the country house Bidartea.
SC-011c Audio Satrustegi At the police. From the country house Bidartea.
XH-009 Audio Xorroxin Irratia
PIR-337 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-338 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-339 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-340 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-341 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-342 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-343 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-344 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-345 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-346 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-347 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-348 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-349 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-350 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-351 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-352 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-353 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-354 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-355 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-356 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-357 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-358 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-359 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-360 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-361 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-362 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-363 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-364 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-365 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-366 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-367 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-368 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-369 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-370 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-371 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-372 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-373 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-374 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-375 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-376 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-377 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-378 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-379 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-380 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-381 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-382 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-383 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-384 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-385 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-386 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-387 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-388 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-389 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-390 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-391 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-392 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-393 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-394 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-395 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
PIR-396 Vídeo Euskera del Pirineo Luzaide-Valcarlos, 1937
RLT19-005 Text Textos religiosos, s. XIX Sermons (XIX C.)
RLT19-004 Text Textos religiosos, s. XIX Sermons (1869)
ADMT19-001 Text Textos administrativos, s. XIX Highland pastures: relations. Valcarlos-Lasse-Baïgorry
ADMT19-013 Text Textos administrativos, s. XIX Highland pastures: relations. Valcarlos-Lasse.
ADMT19-014 Text Textos administrativos, s. XIX Highland pastures: relations. Valcarlos-Lasse.
ADMT19-015 Text Textos administrativos, s. XIX Customs. Valcarlos.
KAZ20-004 Text Textos periodísticos. Siglo XX. Artikulu bilduma
OBK19-002 Text Poemas, versos y canciones, s. XIX Bordel bertsularia
NEZ-123 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Valcarlos. Proverbs..
ATG-019 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Mascarade Masquerades. Characters
ATG-020 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Shepherds Shepherds, wolfs and balls
ATG-021 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Witches Witches stories
ATG-022 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Lamias Lamia story
ATG-023 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Mounths Days and mounths´names
MK-00503 Vídeo Mattin y Kattalin Children Eri kikila