



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1964-06
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Xalbador-Mattin
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: (The first part is in Spanish). Jokes. Doing an impression of two teachers. Second part: conversation between Xalbador and Mattin.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Bad
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
education They play the role of teachers from the Seminary. (They critizise education with sarcasm and humor). They act as Don Luis Goiburu and the rector Pedro. They make references about Father Calveras.
A02 00:11:00
joke When Luis Goiburu was parish priest in Olague he wanted to go to Pamplona one day and he stopped a car. They introduced each other and went on to Pamplona. Another day he stopped a car again and it turned out to be the same driver as the previous time. The confusion he had with the name.
A03 00:13:45
joke A colleague went to the African jungle to do some hunting. He told them about lion hunting. He shot it but he didn’t kill it and the lion began to chase them and the two ran and he noticed a blow to his back but the lion slipped. This happened three times until he was able to hide. And they asked him if he wasn’t shitting with the fright. And he answered: And why do you think the lion slipped up?
A05 00:14:50
improvised verse Verses
A06 00:17:48
Pista Hear file Length
S-005b-B 34:41