

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1999-05-13
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Beñardo
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: A shepherd in the mountains of Garazi.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
animal husbandry:, jobs: Introduction and presentation. There are still some shepherds who spend the whole summer in the hills.(2.30”) He was born and has always lived in the hills.Blueberry bushes. Nowadays he has few sheep. He began as a work-boy at the age of eleven. He was in the hills until February. If there was snow, the sheep were kept in the hut and if not, they were in the open air. Sheep and rams. The large flocks from Ibañeta.
A02 00:11:05
song Song.
A03 00:17:25
animal husbandry:, animal husbandry:, animal husbandry:, animal husbandry: He wanted to go to América. But it was not possible from Spain. Finding a good flock of sheep was easier than it is now.When the lambs are born.The criteria employed to know if a sheep is a good one: weight, bones, tits. It could be that even a good sheep becomes indolent.The sheep lasts well for about six or seven years. It is important that they should have good teeth, they will last a couple of years more than one with bad teeth. The sheep give birth in February and March. That is why they are brought down at the beginning of February and they are brought up again in May to the mountain.Lambs. At the moment of giving birth it is important to position the lamb. Births with problems. After birth they have milk for six or seven months. They gave them the ram in September.
A04 00:33:57
song Song.
A05 00:35:33
animal husbandry:, disease: It was necessary to clean their hooves. Before, the sheep were neither washed nor given treatment. They had to take into account both the dew and the ice.About the anthrax.They were also careful about the dew and the ice in order to avoid other illnesses.
A06 00:40:40
animal husbandry:, animal husbandry: As a food they gave them corn and oats above all. They also gave them salt.They would put the water in the through.They also had earthworms.Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-141b-B 47:07