

This is the list of collections of MediaTek. They are classified by type: audio, video and text.

Nafarroako Euskaldunen Mintzoak 2

Recording collection compiled for "Nafarroako Mintzoak" reference book. Main Management of Universities and Linguistic Policy of the Government of Navarre. The recordings were made by staff of Euskal Irratia. Second collection.

Document Towns Dialects Maps Main theme Title Informant
M2-001 From home to the cabin to work, and men to the Riverside. Dionisia Garate.
M2-002 They tell when and where they spoke Basque, when they learnt Basque. Julia de Carlos Salcet. Bixente Kanbra. Basilia Contín de Carlos. Biktoria Moso Rekalde.
M2-003 Some girls and boys tell some jokes. Niños del pueblo.
M2-004 The informant tells about life when he was young: customs, work, christmas... Migel.
M2-005 The informant talks about the "sunpriñua", a short of bagpipes, how they played it. Juna Miguel Zubieta Jaunarena.
M2-006 The informant talks about the ancient way of life: the family, how the village was like, some games, the work... Juana Mariezkurrena.
M2-007 The informant tells that 100 years ago more or less there was a coal factory in Orokieta, because there was plenty of mineral (iron). Jose Oiz.
M2-008 The informant talks about some bad incidents: his husband died, very bad times, her mare died... Polikarpa.
M2-009 The informants talk about the ancient way of life: christmas time, songs, the family, fairs, other villages... Segundo Aroztegi, María Arozarena.
M2-010 About war and way of life after it. Joxemari Legarreta.
M2-011 He talks about verses an verse championships. Angel Aldaz.
M2-012 The informant tells how he learnt to paly the bell. Tomas Ganboa.
M2-013 The informat tells about his jobs, when he was baker and so on. Agustin Beloki.