On this page you will find the dialects of the areas and locations as two types of classification: traditional classification of Louis Bonaparte Loucien Koldo Zuazo current classification. By clicking on each of them, may find the description of the dialect and the towns belonging to it.
This is the particular dialect of the Salazar valley. In the classification made by prince Bonaparte, the Salazar dialect was considered a variant of the Lower Navarrese,
just like the Basque spoken in Valcarlos. However, it has its own individuality and it can be considered as an independent dialect, as it has been regarded by the Basque General Dictionary.
It is a form of speech in almost complete decline. Some speakers of this variety remain, but the language is not being passed on in any natural manner.
Beyond the general characteristics of spoken Basque, the Salazar dialect deviates from the standard form in the following features:
Morphology (verbal, nouns), Phonetics, Lexicon and Syntax
1- The verbal pluralizing -te (standard dute, dakite, zenuten, zuten, zekiten) appears like -e:
A. In the third person of the transitive verbs: die, zien, zakien, zaela (standard dute, zuten, zekiten, (de)zatela):
orai guziek eragutzen die ogia atariala
oseake nee etxean etzien hitzegiten erdaraz batere
Amorziak eta aitaborziak bazakien zerbait erdara
eta aitak eta amak beti euskaraz egiten zien ele haien artean
akaso kontu da baia esaten zien
etxe kontako nagusi-etxekoandriek izan zaela gaba on, abalili
B. In the second person of the past of the auxiliaries: zinien, zintzaien (zenuten, zineten).
This produces certain changes to maintain the oppositions between both persons: duela/diela (batua duela/dutela), zuen/zien (zuen/zuten), zinuen/zinien (zenuen/zenuten):
Badakizua non duen xigante goitti kartan?
2- The intransitive auxiliary is regulated by way of the root -za- (<izan): nintzan, zintzan, zintzaien, gintzan (but zen):
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
3-The nor-nori-nork is constructed, as in the continental Basque, by the root -erau contracted to -au-:
For the third persons, however, forms in -ako- are used.
4- -a- appears in the past tense of the strong verbs (synthetics): nakien, zakien, zabilen... etc, (standard neukan, zebilen... etc.):
Amorziak eta aitaborziak bazakien zerbait erdara
But cf. with -e- (from foreign influence?):
orduan garbi zegonian igaretzen zen handik
Iriña errotan, eho, bazegon Otsagin errota
5- Just as in the Northern High Navarrese and the Southern High Navarrese it is quite common to find the aphaeresis of the auxiliary transitive in the present: tut, tuzu, etc (ditut, dituzu, etc):
6- Conditional intransitives can be heard in -ke: daike, zaiken etc (standard daiteke, zitekeen):
Gogorra, buf! trabajo kura etzaiken sobrelleba
Although more standardized forms also heard:
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
7- The second person in the present tense plural of nor-nork is in -zie (standard -zue), like in Ultzama and part of Northern High Navarrese.
8- Just as in the Ultzama, the connected forms zaidan, didan ,etc have produced free analogical forms in -da:
anitz fatia Erribrala, tokatu zaida bai
9- Verbal forms of the past can be sporadically heard with -n, of the Southern High Navarrese and of the Lower Navarrese. But this is quite rare. In Ochagavía only -n exists. In Esparza, more to the south and closer to the Southern High Navarrese, both -n and -0:
izan ze ene senarra, faten zena artzai
but cf:
10- With verbs finishing in -n (edan, egon, izan etc ) the future form is in -en:
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
11- As in Southern High Navarrese this dialect also has the form -rik of the verbal participle in common use, yet this is unusual or very rare in the Northern High Navarrese (except in the Barranca). After -tu it appears characteristically syncopated in -trik:
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
egosten da lebadurara, prestatrik baitago bezperan
12- In the subjunctive, conditional and imperative the radical verb is always used, even in recent loan words:
Gogorra, buf! trabajo kura etzaiken sobrelleba
13- Just like the Southern High Navarrese this dialect does not recognize the verbal nouns in -iten (emaiten, erraiten) which are characteristics of the Northern High Navarraese and the French-Basque dialects:
Ori kukulian kukulian meza ematen
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
14- As well as the previous mannerisms, which are systematic, in this dialect it is possible to hear many other non-standard verbal inflections: niz, ginuen, etc. The version in standard Basque clarifies the equivalence in each case.
15- The advanced stage of erosion of this dialect could explain aberrant usage and some of the forms as sporadic cross -overs due to linguistic insecurity:
zortzi oro bihar nuen nik ogiak egin
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
Pues, begi, ba, begiak eta ardiak, pues gauza kuetarik ermaten gintzan
16- The most noticeable feature - something exclusive to the Salazar dialect- is the form in -ra of the determined singular of themes in -a: bordara, elizara, euskarara (standard borda, eliza, euskara, biscayan bordea, eleizea, etc, < a+a):
eta orduan galdu zen euskarara
Bai, guti egoten zen musikara, guti...
17- The additive is in -ala, just as in the Souletin dialect and parts of the Lower Navarrese (The Roncalese has -ara…) This suffix acts like as the locative -an i.e. as if it started with a consonant. It is added directly after the vowel (erdiala, as erdian) but after a consonant it needs a connecting vowel -e-: oihaneala, as oihanean. *Oihanala would be agrammatical. (As would *oihanan):
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
eta ez gintzan xausten halik eta larunbateala artio labetik elki zaku batiala
ala! bazterriala!, ala! erdiala, erdiala!
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
Sometimes the -e- of -eala- is assimilated by the previous palatal:
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
18- It distinguishes -ak from -ek in plurall:
Emaztiek, emaztiek egiten ginuen lan yago
nik egitatzen nuen gizonek biño yago
orai guziek eragutzen die ogia atariala
19- The instrumental is -z, but in Esparza there is a vacillation with the form in -s, typical of the Southern High Navarrese and Aezkoan:
bi behi xuntatu buztarriaz eta ala
erraten ginuen erdaraz parva hori da eultzia
The vacillation with -s seems to be limited to Esparza, closer to the Southern High Navarrese:
ta bihar zen egon hirur orones
20- The normal contraction of the genitive singular is -ain.
21- For the numbers forms with -tan are used: hirutan hogei, lautan hogei (=hirurogei, laurogei).
22- The nondik case is indefinite and in the plural it is formed in -tarik:
leku koitaik faten gintzan, bai
23- -arendako is used for -arentzat.
Abelgorriendako, eta aberendako ere bai...
24- In words such as artzain, arrrain, haurtzain, etc. throughout the dialect (just as in the Northern and Southern High Navarrese ) the forms in -ai predominate: artzai, arrai, haurtzai etc (as against the -ain found in the Baztanese, the Lower Navarrese, and the Labourdin):
izan ze ene senarra, faten zena artzai
25- Se mantiene la final castellana -ón en los préstamos (en batua -oi): pantalona, perdigona, kamiona, botona, xabona.
26- The demonstratives have an inicial k-, as in the Roncal dialect (Lower Navarrese g-) kau, kori, kor etc. However, a certain vacillation may be detected, perhaps due to the influence of foreign words:
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
ya konen denbran etzen egiten ogirik
Badakizua non duen xigante goitti kartan?
orai kau faten da elkitzera kanpo
But cf. too:
baia lenbizikoa, ikasi nuen hori, euskaraa
Nik ez dut izaundu hori, len ez dakit
27- This dialect freely constructs syntagmas in the indefinite where it would be impossible in other dialects:
Ah, bai, zamariarekin, zamari ez, mando ginuen
ene denbran beti izan ginuen mando
28- On the other hand, some reduplicated adverbs take an article:
29- The suffix -tarik has the western meaning of ´each´ in expressions of time:
30-The intensive pronouns are of the eastern type guhaur, nihaur, etc.
elkitzen zelaik zonbait modorra, pues kurak guaurek hiltzen ta xaten gintzaka
31- Just as in the Souletin, the indefinite archaism of etxe: etxen ´at home´ as against etxean ´in the house´:
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
egiten ginuen orduan ogia etxen
32- Numbers have many non-standard forms: laur, hirur, bedratzi, egun, bida (pronoum; bi adjective):
lauregun edo kala, edo borzegun edo kala, ermaten zuen
egiten nituen hamabi hamahirur ogi
bedratzi eta hamar libra ogi bakotxa
ta bihar zen egon hirur orones
33- The pronouns inor, inon, etc have forms without -n- (ior, iora etc.)
34- Just as in Southern High Navarrese, the automatic palate sound of n is only voiced after the semivowel i (beño, gañean):
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
nik egitatzen nuen gizonek biño yago
Pues guzietarik, baia oiñez mandoan beño yago.
but not after i vowel:
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
It is unusual to hear ñ after i vowel, no doubt, due to the foreign influence:
Iriña errotan, eho, bazegon Otsagin errota
Neither t nor l become palatal after i:
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
ll can be heard in recient loanwords:
35- In the declination, -ea (etxea) the sound is -ia:
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
ala! bazterriala!, ala! erdiala, erdiala!
Amorziak eta aitaborziak bazakien zerbait erdara
Ori kukulian kukulian meza ematen
But we can also hear -ea:
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
-oa hiatus does not change:
baia lenbizikoa, ikasi nuen hori, euskaraa
36- There is a tendency to pronounce these hiatus (although not always) in monosyllabic (like a diphthong) perhaps as a consequence of the accent:
Due to this, sometimes -e- is assimilated by its previous consonant:
Ori kukulian kukulian meza ematen
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
37- Vocalic harmony (dirua>dirue, ogia>ogie) does not exist:
erkaituak erraten baizen orduan
38- The loss of a vowel in the middle of a word is frequent (syncope):
*in odd words: abre, erman, atra, denbra, graitzu, bedratzi, Erribra:
ene denbran beti izan ginuen mando
ya konen denbran etzen egiten ogirik
kori usatzen ginuen denbra guzian...
bedratzi eta hamar libra ogi bakotxa
Ez, ni Erribrala ez nintzan fan batere
anitz fatia Erribrala, tokatu zaida bai
*in the declination: -tra, trik (<-tara, -tera, -turik):
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
But not in nondik case: (-taik, -tarik):
leku koitaik faten gintzan, bai
39- As a trace of the old aspirated h, sometimes the g is kept in:
Pues, begi, ba, begiak eta ardiak, pues gauza kuetarik ermaten gintzan
lauregun edo kala, edo borzegun edo kala, ermaten zuen
40- The phonological rules of bait + auxiliary govern in bait+d, but not in other cases:
erkaituak erraten baizen orduan
baginuen bertze gauza bat, torno erraten baiginuen
egosten da lebadurara, prestatrik baitago bezperan
41- In words such as joan jarri, jende, etc. in this dialect the inicial sound is -x, xan, xin, xei, xunto, xarduki:
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
bi behi xuntatu buztarriaz eta ala
etxakin zomana, eraukizu kozu bana xakiteko zomana
But it sometimes sounds as j-, in recient loanwords from Spanish and in the word amaberjina: (cf. Aezkoan amaberkina, with -k- also of jey)..
42- The Salazar dialect is not very characterized by its lexicon. There is little vocabulary, variants, or admittances from the corpus that can be considered exclusive or almost exclusive to this dialecto: izaundu, `to know´, ozteki `burial´ (<ortzi `to bury´), xateki `banquet´, xarduki `to talk´, eseri `to put´, oritu `to remember´:
Nik ez dut izaundu hori, len ez dakit
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
Esan dut ez nintzala oritzen baia orai oritu naiz, eta da larraiña
43- The most manifest lexicon irregularities are due to the oriental character of the variants and terms used in this dialect (often shared by the Southern High Navarrese): guti `a little´, bertze `another´, erran `to say´, xin `to come´, Manex `Juan´, murru `wall´, orai `now´, zonbait `someone´, zomat `how much´, zamari `horse´, ele egin `to talk´, egotzi `to throw´, baratu `to stay´, hirur `three´, laur `four´, biztu `to light´, xukatu `to dry´, eragu `to carry´, altzin `in front of´, elki `to go out, to take out´, ortzi `to bury´, yago, yagoen `more, the most´, igare ´to cross´, goatze `bed´, eho `to mill´:
Bai, guti egoten zen musikara, guti...
baginuen bertze gauza bat, torno erraten baiginuen
halik eta martxoaren azkenial´artio etzen xiten
Ah, bai, zamariarekin, zamari ez, mando ginuen
eta gero ez niz oroitzen noiz artio elegin nuen
eta haiziala egotzi goiti eta agotza ermaten zuen haizea(k)
egiten nituen hamabi hamahirur ogi
orai guziek eragutzen die ogia atariala
etxakin zomana, eraukizu kozu bana xakiteko zomana
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
nik egitatzen nuen gizonek biño yago
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
hori xateko eta goatzea egiteko ere bai
Iriña errotan, eho, bazegon Otsagin errota
44- There are two lexicon variants which are noticeable for their frequency and they are also used in the Barranca: fan ´to come´ and baia ´but´:
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
akaso kontu da baia esaten zien
45- It must be underlined that strange expressions can often be heard in this dialect (oso, asko, esan, hitzegin), which indicates that there is frequent interaction with other variations (and erosion of this dialect):
ta orduan baratzen zen oso garbi
Esan dut ez nintzala oritzen baia orai oritu naiz, eta da larraiña
amak esaten zuen eskolara fan artio
oseake nee etxean etzien hitzegiten erdaraz batere
46- Forms of the relative (explicative) with the prefix bait- can often be heard:
baginuen bertze gauza bat, torno erraten baiginuen
egosten da lebadurara, prestatrik baitago bezperan
47- The verbal interrogative suffix -a is used:
Badakizua non duen xigante goitti kartan?
48- The suffix -nez exists in indirect absolute interrogatives:
eztakiat orai Santiago ta festi kuek guardatzen direnez
49- In this dialect the suffix -larik predominates over -nean, although the latter also exists:
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
okurritzen zelarik, pues ollo-zopa ere bai
elkitzen zelaik zonbait modorra, pues kurak guaurek hiltzen ta xaten gintzaka
orduan garbi zegonian igaretzen zen handik
The scant use of -nean would lead one to deduce foreign influence or to accommodate the speech of the interviewer.
50- Comparatives with nola are often heard, like in Aezkoan:
51- The expression halik eta ´until´ is used with nouns with a time significance::
This is the particular dialect of the Salazar valley. In the classification made by prince Bonaparte, the Salazar dialect was considered a variant of the Lower Navarrese,
just like the Basque spoken in Valcarlos. However, it has its own individuality and it can be considered as an independent dialect, as it has been regarded by the Basque General Dictionary.
It is a form of speech in almost complete decline. Some speakers of this variety remain, but the language is not being passed on in any natural manner.
Beyond the general characteristics of spoken Basque, the Salazar dialect deviates from the standard form in the following features:
Morphology (verbal, nouns), Phonetics, Lexicon and Syntax
1- The verbal pluralizing -te (standard dute, dakite, zenuten, zuten, zekiten) appears like -e:
A. In the third person of the transitive verbs: die, zien, zakien, zaela (standard dute, zuten, zekiten, (de)zatela):
orai guziek eragutzen die ogia atariala
oseake nee etxean etzien hitzegiten erdaraz batere
Amorziak eta aitaborziak bazakien zerbait erdara
eta aitak eta amak beti euskaraz egiten zien ele haien artean
akaso kontu da baia esaten zien
etxe kontako nagusi-etxekoandriek izan zaela gaba on, abalili
B. In the second person of the past of the auxiliaries: zinien, zintzaien (zenuten, zineten).
This produces certain changes to maintain the oppositions between both persons: duela/diela (batua duela/dutela), zuen/zien (zuen/zuten), zinuen/zinien (zenuen/zenuten):
Badakizua non duen xigante goitti kartan?
2- The intransitive auxiliary is regulated by way of the root -za- (<izan): nintzan, zintzan, zintzaien, gintzan (but zen):
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
3-The nor-nori-nork is constructed, as in the continental Basque, by the root -erau contracted to -au-:
For the third persons, however, forms in -ako- are used.
4- -a- appears in the past tense of the strong verbs (synthetics): nakien, zakien, zabilen... etc, (standard neukan, zebilen... etc.):
Amorziak eta aitaborziak bazakien zerbait erdara
But cf. with -e- (from foreign influence?):
orduan garbi zegonian igaretzen zen handik
Iriña errotan, eho, bazegon Otsagin errota
5- Just as in the Northern High Navarrese and the Southern High Navarrese it is quite common to find the aphaeresis of the auxiliary transitive in the present: tut, tuzu, etc (ditut, dituzu, etc):
6- Conditional intransitives can be heard in -ke: daike, zaiken etc (standard daiteke, zitekeen):
Gogorra, buf! trabajo kura etzaiken sobrelleba
Although more standardized forms also heard:
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
7- The second person in the present tense plural of nor-nork is in -zie (standard -zue), like in Ultzama and part of Northern High Navarrese.
8- Just as in the Ultzama, the connected forms zaidan, didan ,etc have produced free analogical forms in -da:
anitz fatia Erribrala, tokatu zaida bai
9- Verbal forms of the past can be sporadically heard with -n, of the Southern High Navarrese and of the Lower Navarrese. But this is quite rare. In Ochagavía only -n exists. In Esparza, more to the south and closer to the Southern High Navarrese, both -n and -0:
izan ze ene senarra, faten zena artzai
but cf:
10- With verbs finishing in -n (edan, egon, izan etc ) the future form is in -en:
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
11- As in Southern High Navarrese this dialect also has the form -rik of the verbal participle in common use, yet this is unusual or very rare in the Northern High Navarrese (except in the Barranca). After -tu it appears characteristically syncopated in -trik:
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
egosten da lebadurara, prestatrik baitago bezperan
12- In the subjunctive, conditional and imperative the radical verb is always used, even in recent loan words:
Gogorra, buf! trabajo kura etzaiken sobrelleba
13- Just like the Southern High Navarrese this dialect does not recognize the verbal nouns in -iten (emaiten, erraiten) which are characteristics of the Northern High Navarraese and the French-Basque dialects:
Ori kukulian kukulian meza ematen
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
14- As well as the previous mannerisms, which are systematic, in this dialect it is possible to hear many other non-standard verbal inflections: niz, ginuen, etc. The version in standard Basque clarifies the equivalence in each case.
15- The advanced stage of erosion of this dialect could explain aberrant usage and some of the forms as sporadic cross -overs due to linguistic insecurity:
zortzi oro bihar nuen nik ogiak egin
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
Pues, begi, ba, begiak eta ardiak, pues gauza kuetarik ermaten gintzan
16- The most noticeable feature - something exclusive to the Salazar dialect- is the form in -ra of the determined singular of themes in -a: bordara, elizara, euskarara (standard borda, eliza, euskara, biscayan bordea, eleizea, etc, < a+a):
eta orduan galdu zen euskarara
Bai, guti egoten zen musikara, guti...
17- The additive is in -ala, just as in the Souletin dialect and parts of the Lower Navarrese (The Roncalese has -ara…) This suffix acts like as the locative -an i.e. as if it started with a consonant. It is added directly after the vowel (erdiala, as erdian) but after a consonant it needs a connecting vowel -e-: oihaneala, as oihanean. *Oihanala would be agrammatical. (As would *oihanan):
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
eta ez gintzan xausten halik eta larunbateala artio labetik elki zaku batiala
ala! bazterriala!, ala! erdiala, erdiala!
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
Sometimes the -e- of -eala- is assimilated by the previous palatal:
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
18- It distinguishes -ak from -ek in plurall:
Emaztiek, emaztiek egiten ginuen lan yago
nik egitatzen nuen gizonek biño yago
orai guziek eragutzen die ogia atariala
19- The instrumental is -z, but in Esparza there is a vacillation with the form in -s, typical of the Southern High Navarrese and Aezkoan:
bi behi xuntatu buztarriaz eta ala
erraten ginuen erdaraz parva hori da eultzia
The vacillation with -s seems to be limited to Esparza, closer to the Southern High Navarrese:
ta bihar zen egon hirur orones
20- The normal contraction of the genitive singular is -ain.
21- For the numbers forms with -tan are used: hirutan hogei, lautan hogei (=hirurogei, laurogei).
22- The nondik case is indefinite and in the plural it is formed in -tarik:
leku koitaik faten gintzan, bai
23- -arendako is used for -arentzat.
Abelgorriendako, eta aberendako ere bai...
24- In words such as artzain, arrrain, haurtzain, etc. throughout the dialect (just as in the Northern and Southern High Navarrese ) the forms in -ai predominate: artzai, arrai, haurtzai etc (as against the -ain found in the Baztanese, the Lower Navarrese, and the Labourdin):
izan ze ene senarra, faten zena artzai
25- Se mantiene la final castellana -ón en los préstamos (en batua -oi): pantalona, perdigona, kamiona, botona, xabona.
26- The demonstratives have an inicial k-, as in the Roncal dialect (Lower Navarrese g-) kau, kori, kor etc. However, a certain vacillation may be detected, perhaps due to the influence of foreign words:
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
ya konen denbran etzen egiten ogirik
Badakizua non duen xigante goitti kartan?
orai kau faten da elkitzera kanpo
But cf. too:
baia lenbizikoa, ikasi nuen hori, euskaraa
Nik ez dut izaundu hori, len ez dakit
27- This dialect freely constructs syntagmas in the indefinite where it would be impossible in other dialects:
Ah, bai, zamariarekin, zamari ez, mando ginuen
ene denbran beti izan ginuen mando
28- On the other hand, some reduplicated adverbs take an article:
29- The suffix -tarik has the western meaning of ´each´ in expressions of time:
30-The intensive pronouns are of the eastern type guhaur, nihaur, etc.
elkitzen zelaik zonbait modorra, pues kurak guaurek hiltzen ta xaten gintzaka
31- Just as in the Souletin, the indefinite archaism of etxe: etxen ´at home´ as against etxean ´in the house´:
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
egiten ginuen orduan ogia etxen
32- Numbers have many non-standard forms: laur, hirur, bedratzi, egun, bida (pronoum; bi adjective):
lauregun edo kala, edo borzegun edo kala, ermaten zuen
egiten nituen hamabi hamahirur ogi
bedratzi eta hamar libra ogi bakotxa
ta bihar zen egon hirur orones
33- The pronouns inor, inon, etc have forms without -n- (ior, iora etc.)
34- Just as in Southern High Navarrese, the automatic palate sound of n is only voiced after the semivowel i (beño, gañean):
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
nik egitatzen nuen gizonek biño yago
Pues guzietarik, baia oiñez mandoan beño yago.
but not after i vowel:
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
It is unusual to hear ñ after i vowel, no doubt, due to the foreign influence:
Iriña errotan, eho, bazegon Otsagin errota
Neither t nor l become palatal after i:
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
ll can be heard in recient loanwords:
35- In the declination, -ea (etxea) the sound is -ia:
hobeenian faten nintzan keendik ilunian e
ala! bazterriala!, ala! erdiala, erdiala!
Amorziak eta aitaborziak bazakien zerbait erdara
Ori kukulian kukulian meza ematen
But we can also hear -ea:
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
-oa hiatus does not change:
baia lenbizikoa, ikasi nuen hori, euskaraa
36- There is a tendency to pronounce these hiatus (although not always) in monosyllabic (like a diphthong) perhaps as a consequence of the accent:
Due to this, sometimes -e- is assimilated by its previous consonant:
Ori kukulian kukulian meza ematen
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
37- Vocalic harmony (dirua>dirue, ogia>ogie) does not exist:
erkaituak erraten baizen orduan
38- The loss of a vowel in the middle of a word is frequent (syncope):
*in odd words: abre, erman, atra, denbra, graitzu, bedratzi, Erribra:
ene denbran beti izan ginuen mando
ya konen denbran etzen egiten ogirik
kori usatzen ginuen denbra guzian...
bedratzi eta hamar libra ogi bakotxa
Ez, ni Erribrala ez nintzan fan batere
anitz fatia Erribrala, tokatu zaida bai
*in the declination: -tra, trik (<-tara, -tera, -turik):
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
But not in nondik case: (-taik, -tarik):
leku koitaik faten gintzan, bai
39- As a trace of the old aspirated h, sometimes the g is kept in:
Pues, begi, ba, begiak eta ardiak, pues gauza kuetarik ermaten gintzan
lauregun edo kala, edo borzegun edo kala, ermaten zuen
40- The phonological rules of bait + auxiliary govern in bait+d, but not in other cases:
erkaituak erraten baizen orduan
baginuen bertze gauza bat, torno erraten baiginuen
egosten da lebadurara, prestatrik baitago bezperan
41- In words such as joan jarri, jende, etc. in this dialect the inicial sound is -x, xan, xin, xei, xunto, xarduki:
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
bi behi xuntatu buztarriaz eta ala
etxakin zomana, eraukizu kozu bana xakiteko zomana
But it sometimes sounds as j-, in recient loanwords from Spanish and in the word amaberjina: (cf. Aezkoan amaberkina, with -k- also of jey)..
42- The Salazar dialect is not very characterized by its lexicon. There is little vocabulary, variants, or admittances from the corpus that can be considered exclusive or almost exclusive to this dialecto: izaundu, `to know´, ozteki `burial´ (<ortzi `to bury´), xateki `banquet´, xarduki `to talk´, eseri `to put´, oritu `to remember´:
Nik ez dut izaundu hori, len ez dakit
Oztekiala enaztekela xin, baia yatekiala fanen nizala.
Esan dut ez nintzala oritzen baia orai oritu naiz, eta da larraiña
43- The most manifest lexicon irregularities are due to the oriental character of the variants and terms used in this dialect (often shared by the Southern High Navarrese): guti `a little´, bertze `another´, erran `to say´, xin `to come´, Manex `Juan´, murru `wall´, orai `now´, zonbait `someone´, zomat `how much´, zamari `horse´, ele egin `to talk´, egotzi `to throw´, baratu `to stay´, hirur `three´, laur `four´, biztu `to light´, xukatu `to dry´, eragu `to carry´, altzin `in front of´, elki `to go out, to take out´, ortzi `to bury´, yago, yagoen `more, the most´, igare ´to cross´, goatze `bed´, eho `to mill´:
Bai, guti egoten zen musikara, guti...
baginuen bertze gauza bat, torno erraten baiginuen
halik eta martxoaren azkenial´artio etzen xiten
Ah, bai, zamariarekin, zamari ez, mando ginuen
eta gero ez niz oroitzen noiz artio elegin nuen
eta haiziala egotzi goiti eta agotza ermaten zuen haizea(k)
egiten nituen hamabi hamahirur ogi
orai guziek eragutzen die ogia atariala
etxakin zomana, eraukizu kozu bana xakiteko zomana
borda altzinean bazen leku bat prestatrik hortako
nik egitatzen nuen gizonek biño yago
larunbatean xauntsi, igandea igare etxen
hori xateko eta goatzea egiteko ere bai
Iriña errotan, eho, bazegon Otsagin errota
44- There are two lexicon variants which are noticeable for their frequency and they are also used in the Barranca: fan ´to come´ and baia ´but´:
oihaneala bai, faten gintzan, oihaneala
akaso kontu da baia esaten zien
45- It must be underlined that strange expressions can often be heard in this dialect (oso, asko, esan, hitzegin), which indicates that there is frequent interaction with other variations (and erosion of this dialect):
ta orduan baratzen zen oso garbi
Esan dut ez nintzala oritzen baia orai oritu naiz, eta da larraiña
amak esaten zuen eskolara fan artio
oseake nee etxean etzien hitzegiten erdaraz batere
46- Forms of the relative (explicative) with the prefix bait- can often be heard:
baginuen bertze gauza bat, torno erraten baiginuen
egosten da lebadurara, prestatrik baitago bezperan
47- The verbal interrogative suffix -a is used:
Badakizua non duen xigante goitti kartan?
48- The suffix -nez exists in indirect absolute interrogatives:
eztakiat orai Santiago ta festi kuek guardatzen direnez
49- In this dialect the suffix -larik predominates over -nean, although the latter also exists:
euri egiten zuelarik ituxurak gaiñala
okurritzen zelarik, pues ollo-zopa ere bai
elkitzen zelaik zonbait modorra, pues kurak guaurek hiltzen ta xaten gintzaka
orduan garbi zegonian igaretzen zen handik
The scant use of -nean would lead one to deduce foreign influence or to accommodate the speech of the interviewer.
50- Comparatives with nola are often heard, like in Aezkoan:
51- The expression halik eta ´until´ is used with nouns with a time significance::