

This is the list of collections of MediaTek. They are classified by type: audio, video and text.


Jose Maria Satrustegi´s recording collection. The recordings are divided in the following collections;
With code S belong to an original source of magnetic oil. With code SA belong to "Arbizu" collection.
With code SC belong to "California" collection.
With code SD belong to "Denetarik" collection.
With code SG belong to "Gipuzkoa" collection.
With code SH belong to "Uharte-Arakil" collection.
With code SK belong to "Kultur-gaiak" collection.
With code SM belong to "Mezkiritz" collection.
With code SN belong to "Nafarroa" collection.
With code SR belong to "Arruazu" collection.
With code SS belong to "Sakana" collection.
With code SU belong to "Urdiain" collection.
With code SZ belong to "Lukas Zufiaurre".

Document Towns Dialects Maps Main theme Title Informant
SN-001a Olentzero. Greeting. Arotzanea. Errekalde: verses. Cabin. To young people. Ascensión (Arotzanea). Ezequiel (Errekaldea).
SN-001b Olentzero. Errekalde. Cantos. San Miguel. Foch. Etxeberriko Borda. Petrittonea. Witches. Ezequiel (Errekalde). Juan Otxotorena. Joaquina (Etxeberriko borda). Valentin Arano (Petrittonea).
SN-002a Games. School. House works. Water carrier. Traditional medicine. Verse singers. Witches. Making bread. Juanita Inda "Makitenea".
SN-002b Priest proverbs. Witches. Trinidad (baker). Liquor (cider). Soldier in Pamplona. Ferns. Students´ stories. Alejandro Iribarren.
SN-003a Simona Anaut Garde. Hualdo Hualde. Ricarda Pérez Marco. Teodora Layana.
SN-003b Witches. The names of the clothes. Teodora Layana. Ricarda Pérez. Doroteo de Miguel.
SN-004a Games. Tales. Events. Wheat work. Work with sheep. Jesús Goñi.
SN-004b Herbs. Ferns. Cattle. Jesús Goñi.
SN-004c Wheat sowing and collection. Bread. Cheese. Jesús Goñi (Lekaroz). Pakita Otxandorena (Elizondo). Berroetako beste bi.
SN-005a Sanjuanxar. Christmas. Witches. Traditional medicine. Lamias. Prayers. (Ave Maria Xuria). Apparitions. Josefa Leiza.
SN-005b Bizifentiak (Disciplinantes). Lamias. Dead´s souls. Name of the house Igiñeria. Way of life in Arantza. Rosario Sorondo.
SN-006a Carnivals and traditional customs. Claudio Otamendi.
SN-006b Carnivals and traditional customs. Clemente Otamendi.
SN-007a Remedies. Customs of San Juan. Ala humera, sarna fuera. Christmas, God trunk. Playing cards of Epiphany. Bernardina Guindano.
SN-007b Witches. Urgoiena. Epiphany. San Juan. Remedies. Camila Iriarte.
SN-008a Lost souls. Claudine Narbaitz. Anastasia Bartzelona.