

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study


Town Dialects Maps Records
Sunbilla 27
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
I-069a Audio Orreaga Ibarra
N-052 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: field work, cattle, coal dealer job, pig killing, cheese elaboration, corn cake, liquor elaboration... Aged man.
N-070 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: youth time works, life, family. 74 years old.
N-071 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: school, work, young people before and nowadays, family... 50 years old woman. Iñigo Unanua´s aunt.
T-318 Audio Toponimia Mountains of Berroaran-Bidasoa.
T-319 Audio Toponimia Mountains of Berroaran-Bidasoa.
X-012b Audio Xorroxin Irratia Retired. Retired: Viviano (Arantza), Pantxo (Sunbilla), Alberto Arretxea (Sunbilla), Frantxiska (Sunbilla), Juana Mari (Sunbilla).
ATMA-020b Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Malerreka Work in the forest. Other jobs. Children’s games. Wagers. Basque language. Farmhouses. Carnival. Anecdotes.
ATMA-018 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Malerreka Verses. Carlist wars. Old measurements and tools. The work of a shepherd. Pigs. Bees.
ATMA-020a Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Malerreka Remedies. Time of war. Witches’ jargon. Children’s games. Religion. Basque language. Anecdotes. Santesteban.
ATMA-017 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Malerreka America. Smuggling. Anecdotes.
ATMA-016 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Malerreka Time of war. Maquis. Woodcutters. Guardia Civil. Relationships between villages. Mill. Chestnuts. Apple. Wild mushrooms. Livestock: cows, sheep, pigs… Children’s games. Boys and girls. Single mothers.
ATMA-015a Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Malerreka Sunbilla: districts and houses
ATMA-015b Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Malerreka Religion. Fiestas celebrated in the village. Work as seamstress. Maternity. Infancy. games... Time of war. Basque language. Songs.
ATB-MLR-V002 Vídeo Ahozko Tradizioaren Bilduma-V (Malerreka)
TT-009 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
TT-010 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
TT-011 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
TT-012 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
TT-013 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
TT-014 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
TT-015 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
TT-008 Vídeo Ttipi ttapa
OBK19-001 Text Poemas, versos y canciones, s. XIX San Frantzisko Xabier
BT16-005 Text Otros textos, s. XVI Theft
NEZ-065 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Sunbilla. Proverbs..
MK-00202 Vídeo Mattin y Kattalin Children Sorgin hizketa