

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1982-07-13
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Markos Saragueta
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
spoons In order to make the spoons the material is taken from the mountains. It is cut down to size and a shape is given to it and it is left to dry.
A02 00:00:52
Basque language In his time everybody spoke Basque, but the people have gone away and it has been lost. People from San Sebastian come on holiday but their Basque is different.When he has been to San Sebastian the people have spoken in Spanish. The same in Burguete.
A03 00:04:55
miscellaneous He suffers from arthritis in the hip.
A04 00:05:50
wood He has been to many places. In Irati there is a lot of pinewood.From Aezkoa the wood is brought down on the river, but he never did that.
A05 00:07:35
Basque language, grammar:, grammar:, grammar: They pronounce the –n of the preterite at the end of the auxiliary verb. It is beginning to change in Valcarlos. The Basque on the French side is nicer, because they speak in zuketa. Zuketa was used with the older people and the hiketa with the young.
A06 00:11:25
agriculture: fodder, animal husbandry:, animal husbandry:, jobs:, nutrition: There are few people left with livestock. Most of the young people work in factories. He has been making spoons since he was a child. But it was also necessary to do the chores of the house. In his time he knew of sixteen spoonmakers in the village. Now not one remains. They would send them to Valencia or Gerona with just a rought shape. How they worked in the mountains.Now they have dairy cows. Cows require grass and that takes up time. The hay is gathered in the summer for the winter months. With what they make from selling milk, they buy fodder, but it is very expensive.
A07 00:20:55
Basque language The young people go to Espinal to learn Basque.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-003b-A 23:59