

grammar: [28 resultados]

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I-066a A12 grammar:
I-058 B3
I-068d A03 grammar: - grammar:
I-068d A01 grammar:
I-062 B01 grammar:
I-062 A06 grammar:
I-061a A06 grammar: - grammar:
I-061a A03 grammar:
I-060a A13 grammar:
I-073a A11 grammar:
I-077b B06 grammar:
I-077b B08 grammar:
I-077b B02 grammar:
I-077b B04 grammar:
I-064a A09 grammar:
I-064a A08 grammar:
I-064a A03 grammar:
I-066b A06 grammar:
I-066b A03 grammar:
I-068a A07 grammar:
I-068a A05 grammar:
I-068a A03 grammar: - grammar:
IC-003b A05 Basque language - grammar: - grammar: They pronounce the –n of the preterite at the end of the auxiliary verb. It is beginning to change in Valcarlos. The Basque on the French side is nicer, because they speak in zuketa. Zuketa was used with the older people and the hiketa with the young.
I-073b A02 grammar: Yesterday I brought some things, she brought some things, we bought apples, you killed some pidgeons, you killed pidgeons, I gave some lambs to that one, I gave the keys to you, I gave the keys to you (zuketa – singular), (hiketa to boy/girl), the cousins visited me, his cousins visited him (zuketa), (hiketa), the trees burnt down on us.
I-073b A08 grammar: - grammar: Conditions of hiketa and zuketa.I have seen you, I am well, the door is closed, we are sitting down, you are standing up, you are standing up (zuketa), (hiketa), I am going home, we are going home, mother is going out, the children are going to the kitchen, where are you going to? Where are you going ?(zuketa), (hiketa), I gave some apples to you(zuketa), (hiketa), I have given peppers to you, I move around there, the dog goes about outside, we walked well, where do you walk? Where do you walk? (zuketa), (hiketa), I have brought peppers, we have eaten strawberries, they have eaten strawberries, you have brought some garlic, my keys fell, she likes nuts, we like nuts, our friends have come, your daughters have come, your son has come, do you like plums?, I like plums, your friends have come, I bought wine, she bought wine, they killed the pig, you bought the house, you bought the house (zuketa), (hiketa), I did a job for mother, I did a job for them, I gave wine to you, I gave wine to you (zuketa), (hiketa), my sister gave me bread, my sister gave us bread, that one told us the truth, he/she gave money to them, we gave the key to mother, we gave the key to them.
I-073b A11 grammar: I arrived late yesterday, the child arrived early, we lived outside, the parents went, you are coming walking, you came walking (zuketa), (hiketa), grandfather came to visit me, he had his house burnt down, we lost the money, they lost the money, you brother visited you, your brother visited you, (zuketa), (hiketa), they gave me the key, they brought the bull to us, you did the work for the mother, you did the work for the mother (zuketa), (hiketa).
I-073b A13 grammar: Yesterday I brought apples, she bought plums, we bought plums, they brought the goats, you killed the pidgins, you killed the pidgins, you brought some things (zuketa), (hiketa), I gave lambs to that one, I gave lambs to you (zuketa), (hiketa), I gave the keys to you (zuketa), (hiketa), I gave the keys to you, my friends came to visit me, that one had his trees burnt, the grandparents came to visit us, I know those words, you know those words.
I-076b A05 grammar: I have brought some peppers, they have brought some peas, we ate some strawberries, my keys fell on me, his cousins came to him, our friends have come, the trees were burnt on them, your daughters have come (zuketa), (hiketa), I bought wine yesterday, that one brought a basket, we sold the house, they killed the pig, you took money, you bought a house (zuketa), (hiketa), you drank wine, I did a job for my mother, I gave money to them, I asked you for wine (zuketa), (hiketa), my sister gave me bread, father sold wine to that one, that one told us a lie, we gave mother the key, we gave water to them, I came late yesterday, the child arrived early, we lived away, the parents left, some children came the other day, you came walking (zuketa), (hiketa), you were here, my grandfather came to me, that one had the house burnt down, we lost the money, the cow died on them, you forgot everything (zuketa), (hiketa), they gave the key to me, the gave bread to the mother, they brought the bull to us, you fixed the door for that one (zuketa), (hiketa), you gave money to grandmother, I brought apples yesterday, that one bought plums, we brought chickens, they threw away the onions, you brought the goats (zuketa), (hiketa), you killed the pidgeons, I sold lambs to that one, I gave the keys to the girls, I brought pears to you (zuketa), (hiketa), I gave you some things.