

This is the list of collections of MediaTek. They are classified by type: audio, video and text.

Religious texts, 18th C.

Religious texts (sermons, prayers, etc.)

Document Towns Dialects Maps Main theme Title Informant
RLT18-001 Gurutze bidea
RLT18-002 Sermons (1749)
RLT18-003 Sermons (XVIII C.)
RLT18-004 Sermons (XVIII C.)
RLT18-005 Sermons (1743)
RLT18-006 Sermons (1751)
RLT18-007 Sermons (1750)
RLT18-008 Sermons (1758)
RLT18-009 Sermons (1780)
RLT18-010 Jesusen bihotzaren kongregazioko arauak (1762)
RLT18-011 Sermones (1761)
RLT18-012 Doctrine
RLT18-013 Zerura nai duenak ar dezaken bide erraza