

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study


Town Dialects Maps Records
Almandoz 16
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
T-006 Audio Toponimia
T-007 Audio Toponimia
T-008 Audio Toponimia
T-009 Audio Toponimia
XH-016 Audio Xorroxin Irratia
ATBA-103 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Houses in the past: light, water, cleaning... Leafing corn. Making thread. Games. Basque language. Remedies. Beliefs. Witches. Riddles. Songs.
ATBA-102 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Work in the forest. Female cowherds in America. Bees. Wild mushrooms. Hunting. Music. Fiestas and carnivals. Social classes. Beliefs. Witches.
ATBA-101 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Work in the forest. Work in the quarry. Smuggling. Grafts. The moon. Boys and girls. Wagers.
ATBA-100 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Work as livestock dealer. Fairs. Mares. Work in a bar. Smuggling. Bees.
ATBA-099 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Locality of Almandoz. Bandits from Lantz. Social classes. Fiestas. Witches. Remedies. Maternity: with a tile on your head. Alfonso XII in Almandoz.
ATBA-098 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan To America married to her husband. Sacraments: baptism, communion, confirmation, wedding, extreme unction… Prayers. Single mothers. Pacharan and "pattarra". Chestnuts. Remedies.
NEZ-093 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak
ATG-027 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Thieves Bandits Lantz´s bandits. Woman´s ring
ATG-028 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Thieves Bandits Lantz´s bandits. How they arrested them
ATG-029 Vídeo Tradición Oral en el Aula Thieves Shepherd Going to rob to the shepherd
MK-00801 Vídeo Mattin y Kattalin Children Go to rob the shepherd