

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1982-20-08
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant:
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
sayings The researcher and the speaker read some proverbs from the Salazar dialect. The speaker does not recognize them.
A02 00:02:58
Basque language: They did not speak Basque in The Roncal. In Aezkoa they did, but few people speak now. She does not understand the Basque from Aezkoa because it is different. The last Basque speakers from Salazar are in Jaurrieta and in Ochagavía, but they are very few.
A03 00:06:06
festivities :When she was young she used to go to fiestas in Izalzu, and occasionally to Ezcároz. Nowadays the young people go to all the village fiestas all over the place. Many people come to spend the summer. In winter there is nothing here.
A04 00:07:56
lifestyle In the old days the men were paid four pesetas per day for work with the scythe. Then the mower came in and later the tractor. She has never worked with the scythe but her husband did. She got to know her husband out strolling, at the village dance and in the church. One child has stayed at home. The others have had to leave the village because there was no work here for them. All the family get together at the fiestas. She spends the winter in Pamplona. Before, they used to eat a lot of pork. In the village there were three or four slaughtermen for the killing of the pigs. They use to kill the pigs in November.
A05 00:15:21
miscellaneous The road to Muskilda. It’s a long time now since she walked up there. Her son takes her sometimes in his car. That slope is very bad for old people because it is very steep.The intinerary of the researcher. The speaker is afraid that the people will laugh at what is on the recording.
A06 00:22:37
youth when she was young she would spend from Monday to Friday in the cabin looking after the cows. She spent her youth happily in the cabin.
A07 00:25:01
miscellaneous Few trips. The wood is obtained from the common land and from private forests. Irati is communal property of the valley. Other Basque speakers from the village. In his youth a lot of work and little diversion.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-002c-B 32:05