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The rafts of the rivers Salazar & Esca rivers in the first half of the XXth century: testimonies in Basque

Fontes Linguae Vasconum 137

Document Towns Dialects Maps Main theme Title Informant
AZEIB-01 rafts Remenbering the rafts Carmelo Krutxaga
AZEIB-02 rafts Jaurrieta´s people has little news About rafts Javier Krutxaga
AZEIB-03 rafts When the river grew, they put them and went down the river Dionisia Garate
AZEIB-04 rafts In the Roncal they were rafts to here all the year. Dionisia Garate
AZEIB-05 rafts The raft preparing related in detail Lucas Senberoiz
AZEIB-06 rafts The point of view of a shepherd that worked on the Bardenas. Nicolas Elarre
AZEIB-07 rafts Almadiero, dingindango, bolsa grande y poco dinero Fernando Rekalde
AZEIB-08 rafts Menories of a rafter Pedro Pena
AZEIB-09 rafts The food? In saddlebags in the raft Severo Azkoiti
AZEIB-10 rafts Aspurzerik? Irunberrira… Zangozarik geinbera Severo Azkoiti
AZEIB-11 rafts Tribute in Sangüesa to some rafters. Gregoria Mikeleiz eta Sinforiana Narbaiz
AZEIB-12 rafts Her husband carried some wood down the river. Liboria Contín
AZEIB-13 rafts They were more rafts trhough the Roncal valley than here. Isidora Paskualena
AZEIB-14 rafts New transporting ways. Sebastiana Eseberri
        rafts Vague memories on the rafts. Josefa Zoko
        AZEIB-16 rafts Ties by two bridges of the village Pedro Juan Zoko
        AZEIB-17 rafts Lomo de cerdo is characteristic of the entrance of Arbayun Crisento Pasquel
        AZEIB-18 rafts The rafts arriving to Sangüesa through the river. Antonia Anaut
        AZEIB-19 rafts Short mentions about rafts Antonia Anaut
        AZEIB-20 rafts Something about the rafts Doroteo de Miguel
        AZEIB-21 rafts The wood carried to Tudela through the river. Fidela Bernat
        AZEIB-22 rafts When the rafts desapeared the river was left careless Fidela Bernat
        AZEIB-23 rafts Hazelnuts and rafts Fidela Bernat
              rafts Around the rafts again Fidela Bernat
              AZEIB-25 rafts Almadiero, txikilindrero expression Fidela Bernat
              AZEIB-26 rafts About the rafts again and again Fidela Bernat
              AZEIB-27 rafts One from Anue making rafts in Ochagavia Saturnino Egozkue