

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study


Town Dialects Maps Records
Oderitz 8
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
IR-009 Audio Irati Irratia Verses of Zumarraga.
N-058 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: family, escuela, how the work day was like, parents, wedding, soon and daughters and grandchildren, war, ancient festivities, factory, Basque language of Leitza, ´Goenkale´ of ETB... Questions and fast answers.
N-063 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: biographical notes, life in the shop, txistorra championship, Txiskola. 31 years old. Now she lives in Irurtzun. He tends to use unified Basque.
N-065 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: youth memories, events, life, differences between Oderitz and Etxaleku. Mature woman. She was born in Oderitz. She lived in Exaleku during youth time. When she got married she moved to to Irurtzun.
T-296 Audio Toponimia
T-297 Audio Toponimia
RLT19-008 Text Textos religiosos, s. XIX Sermons (1865)
NEZ-032 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Larraun. Proverbs..