

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study


Town Dialects Maps Records
Eraso 7
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
I-016a Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free chat: family.
I-022b Audio Orreaga Ibarra Free conversation: Basque language´s decay, Basque language´s forms. Questionnaire: phonetics, declination. Aged man.
I-025 Audio Orreaga Ibarra A: questionnaire (vocabulary, declination, verb). B: free conversation (American family), questionnaire (vocabulary). Old man. In the tape we can read: "vocabulary" and "Miguel and Cristobal".
I-073a Audio Orreaga Ibarra Questionnaire: verb. Aged man. Sometimes we can hear a younger man´s voice.
NEZ-037 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Eraso. Proverbs..
NEZ-040 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Imotz. Proverbs.
MK-00306 Vídeo Mattin y Kattalin Children i´ve never seen a dancing flea