

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date:
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Ander (1960)
  • Researcher: Maria Jesus Ganboa
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
lifestyle Life on the farm. As a child he had to walk three or four kilometers to school. After school he would have to help at home by feeding the animals and things. On Sundays he would wear old shoes to the church and at the gates of the church he would put on his good shoes.
A02 00:03:32
game As children they used to play "txirrinka". "Txirrinka" was the name they gave to the game of rolling a round metal frame down a slope without letting it go off the track. They would use to metal bar to control the wheel. His older brothers made him a wooden tricycle. The game of the fox and the hare. Some boys play the part of the fox and try to trap those who play the part of the hare. In Ezkio all the E.G.B. classes were in the same room.
A03 00:05:57
leisure He went to Zumarraga in order to finish E.G.B classes. There the boys used to laugh at people from farmhouses. However the farm boys would always win at pelota and at running. They played pelota a lot and the loser would have to pay a fizzy drink for the winner. At fourteen he began to go to the cinema and at sixteen or seventeen he began to go out with his gang of mates.
Pista Hear file Length
N-041a-A 9:35