

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1999-07-19
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant:
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: How they made ewe cheese long ago.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
brown the cheese, nutrition: Introduction: when the sheep were milked up in the mountain pass, the cheese was also made up there. Normally the cheese was made in blocks of five kilos. (03:15”) More money could be made by selling the cheese than by selling the milk. They used to make cheeses of four or five kilos in weight. They have even made them up to ten kilos. In the cabin there was a place to store the cheese, placed in wooden boxes. Things to take note of when making cheese. The cleanliness of the milk was very important.It was drained with a cloth.In order to “gorritu” (to brown) the cheese it was exposed to the fire. Nowadays this is not done. To do this, the “sortsia” was used – a round piece of wood which held the cheese close to the fire.
A02 00:10:32
improvised verse Verses "Gure artzain etxolari" from Xalbador, sung by Erramun Martikorena.
A03 00:20:05
nutrition: At the age of fourteen he was already making cheese. That was where he learnt it and this is why when he went to America he did not suffer hardship as some had done. He learnt to make cheese with the shepherd and his father. They would heat the milk in the wood fire and then they would make the cheese. The size of the cheeses would depend on the quantity of milk.Nowadays, fridges are needed to keep the cheese in good condition. In the old days, however, it was possible to keep it in the cabin. In this house there was a good place for it as, having been built against the mountain, there was a good temperature. After one month in the cabin they would take the cheese down to the house.Father and sons would go off to sell the cheese on foot and carrying the sack on their back.They would start to make the cheese after the sale of lambs in January.
A04 00:27:00
improvised verse Verses
A05 00:35:20
animal husbandry: The alimentation of the sheep has an influence on the milk. About the fodder and the pastures.
A06 00:39:28
improvised verse Verses.(44:25")Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-142b-B 45:54