

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1996-10-28
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Martin Olhats
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme: War.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
game Introduction.(02:00”) Above all they played pelota. At the age of fourteen they learnt to play mus. They also had marbles.
A02 00:03:45
war At the age of ten he made his first communion and he left the school. It was a very large family and he began to work.In December 1939 they were taken prisoner and in May 1940 they were freed. On the 12th of July he entered the house. What he saw in the War.How they would prepare a meal. They would kill a pig and roast it. In the houses they would find tinned food. They did not even have to fire a shot.How they were freed. There were seven Basque speakers. They returned by train and showing their papers they were allowed to go free. They were the first soldiers to enter Bayonne on the 10th of July.
A03 00:18:50
song A Song about ther War.
A04 00:24:15
war Then from Bayonne he went home by train and on foot. They were in a roadside inn. How each one made his way home. But the war was not yet over. He stayed at home and of those who were freed along with him, none were taken off again. Before the war ended they went to Makea.
A05 00:31:14
childbirth, wedding He got married in 1946 with a girl from Makea. He was thirty-seven and she was twenty-seven. His wife was the youngest of three sisters. Her mother had died a year before they got married. The wedding took place in church in the morning and then there was a meal at home. There was no music because the war had just ended and the priest did not think it was right to have music. But in the area there was a Spanish family and the son played the accordion so they went off to look for him and he played for them.The next day they went to Bayonne and visited a spinster who had retired to Donapaleu.(42:05") They had six children but the eldest died at nine months. Afterwards they had four girls and a boy. The first two were born at home, the others in Bayonne. There was a midwife who helped in the houses. (44:35")Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-088a-A 47:10