

Irulegi Irratia


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1995-10-23
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Robert Duhart
  • Researcher:
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Good
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
carnival:, clothes:, dance Introduction: Roberto was a “kaxkarot” (traditional dancer) and they speak about dancing.His father was a shoemaker and he also worked at the trade at the same time as he was working on the land. He studied accounting. He was at school until the age of sixteen, but he had to give it up when the war began. He did not go to the war as he stayed in hiding at the time.His father was also a dancer but it was an uncle who taught him, because his father said that what he would do is teach them to work but not to dance. Before the war there were also dancers who danced in the Carnivals. They would go from house to house.(12.50”) The “abanderados” and “gobernantes” would wear a red beret and the rest in white. The clothes and the footwear were white and with red bands around them.Where the name “kaxkarot” comes from. It is no longer used to define the dancers from there. There were fourteen dancing groups and there were also musicians: a kettledrum, a base, a cornet and a clarinet. It was the village band and they were given a special price. How they got the uniforms. As well as coming out in Carnivals, they would also go to dancing festivals. They won the fandango competition.Another time, a man saw them dancing in Carnivals and he brought them to his village fiestas.(21:25") Fandango, arin-arin, kaxkarot martxa...were the dances that they did. They did not dance “jauzis” because the people did not like them very much and so the custom was not there to do it.At that time the girls did not dance. They began later.Later, he learnt other dances. Anyone who has the habit of dancing can learn new ones easily.
A02 00:27:05
carnival:, festivals Sunday was always a holiday. In summer they would dance at the village fiestas.In carnival they would have six heifers running loose in the village and they would go into the bars. Some people would get hurt. The fiestas were different. It was necessary to know how to dance well, a lot of wine was drunk, a lot of singing took place…Old songs were sung. The young people nowadays don’t know those songs.While they worked on the shoes both father and son would sing together.The way of life was simpler then. There were more people in the villages.
A03 00:33:30
dantzari He was only dancing for two years because the group split up as they could not get enough money together. He started at twenty-two and gave it up at twenty-four.He has fond memories of the dancing scene.(43:55") Goodbye.
Pista Hear file Length
II-062b-B 46:14