

Inaki Camino


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1987-05-07
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: Eulalia Lorea Iturri -Lorea, Konde-.
  • Researcher: Iñaki Camino
  • Main theme:
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Bad
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
jobs: She learnt to sew with the priest’s mother. Twelve girls got together to learn it. They would only sew by hand as they were not allowed use the sewing-machine. One of the girls turned out to be a very good dressmaker later on. The speaker used to sew for her house and for some other houses too. At that time no clothes were bought. The cloth was bought and the clothes were made or given to a dressmaker who worked in the valley. Later there was a shop opened in the village with a tailor who made clothes there. At that time there were few clothes shops in Pamplona.
A02 00:05:25
lifestyle They would often go over to France as the husband had money there. In France they would buy things for the house. The customs men would allow the glassware to go through, but not clothes. That is why they had to smuggle it over. When her husband died one of his trusted friends left her without money and she was in bad traits for a while. She herself smuggled over flour for the house. She had a tavern.
A03 00:12:11
travel: On their honeymoon they were in San Sebastian and in France for one month. She never made any other trip. Her husband did, he travelled about quite a bit as he had a shop. At that time there were no cars but now everyone has their own one in the houses. In the old days there were beasts of burden in all the houses, but now there is not one left in any house. To thresh and to winnow. In the houses there was no running water, she herself would bring water from the fountain before the sun came up. She will soon be eighty-four years old.
A04 00:20:12
miscellaneous When she was in Abaurrea Alta and the master was having a siesta, she would go out to pick mushrooms with the daughter of a Civil guard. She does not remember prayers or old songs, only this one: “bread from heaven, you are all our joy.” Things get forgotten, like the Basque Language itself, if they are not used. She does not want any photos taken as she fears she will come out ugly in them.
A05 00:25:43
nutrition: She learnt to cook by herself. Without any books or anyone to show her. If the ingredients are good, the food is good. A recipe to make stewed lamb. Put the meat in a pot with a piece of garlic per kilo of meat and then add some parsley. When the meat is cooked, add some tomatoe, peppers and potatoes. With cooking salt it comes out better.
Pista Hear file Length
IC-004a-A 31:02