

Orreaga Ibarra


  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1998
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: David
  • Researcher: Sandra Buldain
  • Main theme: Fre conversation: work, life, Ezkurra...
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
lifestyle (In a low voice) He is from Ezkurra and lives there. He does carpentry work for the building trade. He does up old houses. The gang consists of the father and the four brothers. At weekends and in the summer, he helps with the allotment and the grass at home. The village is becoming empty, the younger people go to live elsewhere, there are no shops, He likes going hunting a lot. Since they installed the windmills, few pigeons fly by.
Pista Hear file Length
I-051-A 12:42