

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study


Town Dialects Maps Records
Ziga 12
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
T-143 Audio Toponimia
T-144 Audio Toponimia
ATBA-083 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Old lifestyle. Dairy products. Bread. Remedies. Prayers. Sayings about the villages. Beliefs. Bees.
ATBA-082 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Work in the forest. Bees. Time of war. Gypsies. Beggars. Weather prediction. Sayings about the villages. Remedies. Old cheese. Tales. Songs.
ATBA-081 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Work in the forest. Old time. Fiestas celebrated in the village. Sundays. Fathers. Registers. Witches. Beliefs.
ATBA-080 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Chocolate, confectionary… Making wax. Shops and bars. Bricklayer. Smuggling. Wild mushrooms. Pitarra (Cider). Infancy. Youth. Basque language. Remedies. Witches.
ATBA-079 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Work as maid. Post-war period. Tenants. Laundry. Light. Chestnuts. Sundays. Religion. The moon. Maternity. Bees. Remedies. Children’s songs. Slaughtering pigs. Locals’ duties.
ATBA-078 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan School. Children’s games and songs. Witches. Women´s clothes. Cleaning: laundry, house. Leafing corn. Remedies. Stories of people from Ezkurra.
ATBA-077 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan Work as servant. Jobs in the fields. Witches. Post-war period. Maquis. Elizondo market. Fairs. Anecdote.
ATBA-006 Audio Ahozko Tradizioa Baztan School. Children’s games and songs. Witches. Women´s clothes. Cleaning: laundry, house. Leafing corn. Remedies. Stories of people from Ezkurra.
NEZ-092 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Ziga. Proverbs..
NEZ-097 Text Nafarroako Esaera Zaharrak Baztan. Proverbs..