

In this section you can find information about the towns included in the study

Guipúzcoa (high navarrese-central)

Town Dialects Maps Records
Guipúzcoa (high navarrese-central) 4
Document Type Collection Main theme Title Informant
IC-013a Audio Inaki Camino Oiartzun.
N-066 Audio Orreaga Ibarra Conversation. Aged men and women (66 years old). The man has lived for some years in Lazkao during his childhood. Too much noise. There is a transcription. Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa).
SD-008a Audio Satrustegi In the tape he is related to the villages of Ataun and Oiartzun.
SD-008b Audio Satrustegi In the front: Lekeitio. Battle of Elgeta. In Gernika. Fire. Laredo. Captured. Saint Peter of Carreña. Jobs: Otzaurte. Aragon: hit. In the tape he is related to the villages of Ataun and Oiartzun.