

Basque language: euskaltzales [1 resultados]

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SK-001b A03 Basque language He learnt Basque again in the High Seminary, thanks to Jean St. Pierre. How he learnt Basque: with just the one book and two ideas that he was given about the book: it was a religious book and all the religious books in Basque were direct translations from Latin. He spent three months working with all his might on the book of Arbelbide and he did a great job. Then, they told him to take on the grammar book from Iturri and the dictionary from Azkue. After eleven months he published the verses.(20:00”) He also participated in the dictionary of Lande.He read all the books by Intxauspe. Jean St. Pierre, a follower of Axulur, showed the books of that man.(24:0”) His first published book was the verses of Iturralde. And the first investigation, the articles that he wrote about the verb in his village. He was given some awards in “"Euskalzaleen biltzarra". He did an extensive work on the verb. He was given the award but they did not understand anything. He was sent to Lacombe and he was very surprised. That man sent him to see Etxepare, the doctor. From then on, these two helped and encouraged him a lot. They brought him to their meetings. The one who had the most influence on him was Etxepare. He went to visit him every Wednesday during the last three years of his life.As well as Etxepare, he was influenced by Hiriart-Urruti. Encouraged by Joseba Intxausti, he published the articles about this man.