

Xorroxin Irratia


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  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
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  • Main theme: Advices. Saint John fires, customs and tricks.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
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Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
medicine: Radio competition: Cures and traditional customs.The way to remove ice-cream stains from clothing.(02:20”) On the day of San Juan the herbs were blessed and then they were used to fight illnesses. The leaves and branches which had been gathered were thrown into the bonefires on the night of San Juan and the people jumped over the flames saying : "sarna fuera ona barnera, gaiztoa kanpora San Juan eta San Pedro balirakigula" .On Palm Sunday after mass, the palm was placed at the window of the house to keep away the illnesses.(05:53”) To stretch a jersey put it in hot water.To keep out the flies from the kitchen, cut a lemon in half and put ten cloves inside it.(08:20”) copper should be cleaned with tomatoe.(09:45”) For mosquito bites apply a recently cut onion to the wound. (10:55”) To take off chewing gum from clothes use petrol without oil.(12:20”) To keep flies out of the house, cook eucalyptus and the smell will keep them away.(13:48”) Cook spinach and drain the water when it has become lukewarm or cold. Wash one’s face with this in order to have a clean skin.(14:55”) to wipe off makeup from a shirt collar spray some talcum powder on it and brush it off with a brush.(15:30”) when your nail gets a bang or blow, put it in bleach so that it doesn’t turn purple. (16:34”) To get rid of a toothache rub on saffron. If you are in the mountain, chew the bark of an ash tree as if it were chewing gum.(17:44”) When a mosquito bites, put on a drop of corrosive water.(18:20”) In the case of a mosquito bite, take some clean earth and rub it in to prevent swelling.(18:38”) Daub the affected area with oil and the caper will come out itself. (19:12”) for cleaning kitchen tiles use ammoniac.(19:50”) To get rid of a stomach ache, heat a cloth and lay it over the affected area.(20:48”) To get rid of the smell and taste of burnt lentils, take them off the heating and put in some vinegar to the pot and reheat during five minutes.(22:10”) To get rid of cramp in the legs drink water and sugar after a walk.A cold needs eight days to be cured. Notwithstanding, honey and lemon help a lot.(24:43”) To keep rashers in good condition, after they are unsalted and cleaned, put vinagre on them before hanging them up and this will prevent flies coming near.(26:40”) In order to conserve the -.------- for the winter, put a kilo of sugar in water and keep them fifteen days with the stalks covered.(28:30”) To keep a tan for a long time, melt hard soap in water and when you are having a suntan, rub it on as if it were a cream.(29:40”) If you put a lemon in the microwave oven for one minute it gives more juice.
B01 00:00:00
advices, medicine: To take away boils, fry onion on the grill and add a drop of olive oil. Place it on the spot and hold it there with a plaster or bandage wrapping. By the following morning the boil will have burst.(02:45”) For mosquite bites, put some leaves of rosemary in alcohol and rub it on the spot. To get rid of a bad smell on your hands, clean them with lemon or vinegar.(03:50”) Dry figs by putting them in a box with flour and paper.(05:00”) To avoid watery eyes when cutting onion, turn the tap on and cut the onion near the flowing water.(06:30”) To cure mouth sores, put some bicarbonate in water and rinse your mouth twice a day with it.(07:25”) To make snakes: take a hair by the root and put it in still water. On the fourth day it will begin to move.(08:52”) To clean wooden utensils, place them for two hours in bleached water and add water.(09:40”) To clean windows use newspaper instead of ragcloths.(10:10”) When a bee stings, wet some earth and rub it on the spot.(10:45”) By rubbing their backs the toads will open their mouths and then you can put a cigarette in their mouth.(11:40”) Things of gold can be cleaned with bicarbonate and water and leave them without drying.(12:40”) To clean copper utensils the best thing to use is a tomatoe.(14:12”) To avoid watery eyes from cutting onion, put some vinegar drops on the table or on the cutting board.(15:45”) To avoid the nose getting closed put mint in the room.(17:30”) To cook a cherry dessert: place them in a jar with sugar and water. Then cook them in the jar in boiling water.(18:56”) So that soft drinks don’t lose their fizz, place the bottles upside down.(20:45”) Having a cold: cook an onion well, place it on a cloth without water and add two spoonfuls of natural honey. Place it on the chest overnight. If you put the slips of the chrysanthemum under the ground now, next year they will give some lovely flowers. Be careful of daddylonglegs. (23:10”) In order to get the red beans to become gruelly, it is necessary to leave them soak in oil and onion the day before. Add a potato cut in half when cooking and when the beans are cooked take out the potato and mash it with a fork and put it back in the pot.(24:35”) To get the kiwis to mature, put them in with golden apples.(25:55”) To get rid of fleas, cook leaves of “giltxaur” (almond?) in four liters of water and then bathe.(26:50”) To keep flowers fresh longer mix a little urine with the water.
B02 00:27:55
nutrition: Fried milk: mix a cold liter of milk, add five spoonfuls of sugar, cinnamon or lemon and five spoonfuls of flour. Cook it and then put it on as wide a frying pan as possible. Cut into pieces and fry it with flour and egg. Disperse some sugar over it.
Pista Hear file Length
X-003-A 32:10
X-003-B 31:56