



  • Title:
  • Recording date: 1973-04-24
  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
  • Informant: J. M. Barandiaran.
  • Researcher: Jose Maria Satrustegi
  • Main theme: Belief of the first humans.
  • View allowed: Free
  • Publication allowed: Limited
  • Sound quality: Normal
Town Dialects Maps
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A01 00:00:00
caveman, prehistory Fifty thousand years ago humans were living in the vicinity of Aralar. Places where humans have lived and their traces: Isturitz, Ganboako Ola, Arrasate, Aslor in the Deba mountain…From these first vestiges things began to get worse. The great glacier period lasted for a lot of years. Humans had to live in caves where the atmosphere tends to be a little warmer. But they needed light and they lit fires at the entrance. They hunted reindeer, buffalo, mountain goats… They had the instruments for that. Many hunters would be needed for the “usaehiza” (the hunt) so that communities would have already been in existence then. The first community was the family. (12:10”) At that time meat was the alimentation for humans. Fruits from the trees were small and, with the exception of acorns, difficult to find. In the residue of the fireplaces bones with holes have been found which suggests that they ate what was inside the bones as well as what was outside them. (13:25”) Religion is a focus point of the human. One focus point alone does not have significance without a relation with the rest. Consequently, in order to understand their religion it is necessary to view their way of life.The tools, at least those made of stone, endured. Beliefs, do not turn into stone, and do not endure. As such, it is difficult to say what religion they had. They collected red stones, crystal, lead minerals etc. Why? Later, in the era of the written word, it has been possible to find a religious focus. In order to understand the ancient world it is necessary to look at the contempory world. It is believed that they had an economic conception. It is believed that that conception was religion. That is to say, they believed that there was some superior being and the precious stones collected were for that being.Neanderthal Man existed then, and this was a different type. Later another being entered Europe and this was Cro-Magnon Man. This being also lived in caves but he was more advanced as were his tools. He made use of the bone. They too had to hunt (“usaehiza”).They needed holes to trap and kill the animals and they would skin them. At this period many things appear which did not exist before; making holes in the teeth of the animals to wear as adornments, drawing the tools they used, drawing the animals they killed. Hunting was their way of life. They applied the characteristics of hunting to other things which had nothing to do with eating or drinking.There were different trades: as well as hunters it was necessary to have tool-makers, as not everyone would have known how to work the stone. There were also painters who did paintings on the walls.
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SK-009a-A 31:32