

Orreaga Ibarra


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  • Owner: Euskarabidea-mediateka
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  • Researcher: Eba Vizcay Tirapu
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Town Dialects Maps
Piece Length Temas Sumario
A01 00:00:00
miscellaneous Before Ustaritze was the most important town of Lapurdi, and although now it is Bayonne, it has always had a cultural reference.He wanted to see Navarra and with his sister he began to travel round. The more he got to know it, the more he liked it. They were girl friends from Barandiaran and that one suggested to them that they do a piece of work. They did it on Aria de Aezkoa and they stayed in Garaioa. Both she and her sister got married to two lads from Burguete. When she got married she was twenty-five years old and she went to live in Pamplona.
A02 00:05:25
Basque language The Basque from Aezkoa y that of Iparralde have a lot in common.In Burguete there has always been some family or other that spoke Basque.The situation of Basque in the old days.
A03 00:09:15
miscellaneous His family has always been away. But in their town they have always been farmers and millers.Although his mother was from San Sebastian and his father was born in the Philippines they have always been Basque speakers.
A04 00:11:40
festivals Las fiestas of Ustaritze take place in the middle of July. They start on Friday night and finish on the following Tuesday. There are some very good games of pelota.
A05 00:13:07
Basque language, miscellaneous She has also been in Burguete. There they speak Basque too. There is a woman from Iparralde who got married and lives there. Her sister also lives there, as well as the mother of her husband, although she is from the Baztan.She is a translator. But with the Basque language it is harder than in the other languages. In her opinion the family comes first and, as she believes that the parents can give the children what nobody else can, she is first of all a housewife.
Pista Hear file Length
N-075-A 18:11